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Core RulesCombat & TacticsPerils

Status Effects

Status Effect Duration

Status effects are conditions conferred to you by perils. For example, the peril of the shadow maleficence confers blinded. The Ensnare tactic confers entangled. The spell Ensorcell confers stunned. Unless the source of the status effect says otherwise, a status effect lasts until the end of the victim's next turn.

List of Status Effects


While bleeding, you suffer 1 HP damage on the next round, and each round thereafter, until you are healed or the bleeding is otherwise stopped.


When your vision is blocked, you cannot target opponents unless your target betrays its position by one of the other five senses and you spend a round to discern them using that sense; only then can you target them with disadvantage. Opponents have advantage against you on all rolls.


While burning, if you do not spend a turn putting yourself out in the round after being subject to the source of flame, you suffer cumulative 3 damage per round. (3 damage on the second round, 6 on the third, 9 on the fourth, and so on.)


While charmed, you are friendly toward whomever charmed you and your suspicions about them are magically assuaged. If they engage in hostile action toward you, the effect immediately ends. When an opponent is engaged in social combat against you, they receive advantage on all rolls. You maintain your disposition toward the charmer even after the spell ends, unless there is reason to question the friendship or the enchantment is revealed.


While confused, you have difficulty discerning friend from foe; you have a 50% chance of targeting an unintended target with any action you take.


While deafened, you cannot hear sound and receive disadvantage on defense checks.


The detected status is mechanically the same as the stealth status, except that when detected, the next successful check to detect you will end your stealthed status.


While diseased, you make Mighty and Deft checks at disadvantage.


When you are put on death's door, unless someone stabilizes you, you die at the end of the next round.


While you are encumbered, you receive disadvantage on all Mighty, Deft, initiative, and defense checks. You move at half your movement rate. (You move 1 personal soace instead of 1 melee space in the round.)


While enraged, you will not stop attacking your perceived foes even if your life is in danger. Your rage ends when the final foe falls. You receive disadvantage on Deft and defense checks.


While entangled, your movement rate becomes 0 and you cannot take action that requires you to be physically unrestrained. Opponents have advantage against you.


While fatigued, your Mighty is reduced to 0.


While feebleminded, you are unable to cast spells or use Smart skills.


While frightened, you are compelled to flee from the source of the fear and are unable to take hostile action against it. The opponents you fear have advantage against you on all actions.


While hasted, you act before those who are not hasted, move at twice your movement rate (2 melee spaces instead of 1, or the entire encounter space, per turn), and make Deft checks at advantage.


While held, time stands still for you and you are unable to perceive or interact with anything outside your timestream; your movement rate becomes 0, and cannot take physical action. Any interaction with you is immediately canceled and will bring you out of stasis. Held victims are always successfully targeted with attacks, except on a critical failure.


While invisible, opponents cannot target you unless you betray your position by one of the other five senses and they spend a round to discern you using that sense; only then can they target you with disadvantage. You have advantage against foes who cannot perceive you in all rolls.


While mad, you are distracted in a way consistent with one of six maladies. Roll a d6: 1) uncontrollable laughter (you are confused); 2) dancing (you are slowed); 3) itching (you are entangled); 4) memory loss (you are feebleminded); 5) delusion (you may only take action consistent with your delusion; the GM decides the delusion, unless the status effect is conferred by the player); or 6) paranoia (you are frightened).


While your limb is subject to necrosis, you cannot use it without first making a contested Mighty check against the source of the necrosis for the rest of the encounter (or until your limb is healed).


While paralyzed, you are conscious and can perceive your surroundings, but your movement rate becomes 0 and you lose voluntary control over your body. Paralyzed victims are always successfully targeted by attacks, except on a critical failure.


While petrified, you are paralyzed and unconscious, but you are immune to both physical and magical harm. Petrified victims are always successfully targeted with attacks, except on a critical failure.


While poisoned, you are subject to the harm specified by the poison at its onset and again at each interval until the poison is neutralized. Any effects of the poison persist as a major peril from the poison's onset, throughout its duration.


While polymorphed, you adopt the physical qualities of the form you've been shapeshifted into. The GM has discretion to alter your freedom of movement or attributes and abilities to suit the fiction.


While prone, opponents have advantage against you. To stand back up, you must use your movement on your turn.


Only objects can be sanctified. While sanctified, the object deals d6 damage by touch to Undead and Astral monsters opposed to the faith of whomever holds the object. Such damage cannot be healed or regenerated magically. If the damage would be zero, the victim is frightened until after its next action. Undead and Astral monsters are naturally repulsed by sanctified objects and if the wielder appears more powerful, the presence of the object is likely to shake their morale.


While silenced, you cannot make noise. The spells of silenced spellcasters that require their victims to hear them automatically fail to affect their targets. (A silenced spellcaster is not considered to have the semantic component of his spells suppressed.)


While slowed, you act last, move at 1/2 your movement rate (a personal space instead of a melee space), and make Deft checks at disadvantage.


While stealthed, you carry a stealth score that determines the TN against which an opponent must check to detect you. If you take risky action while stealthed, opponents are entitled to a check to detect you.


While stunned, each time you roll, roll a d6 and subtract the die result from the total. No roll can total less than 0. (This die does not explode, and its penalty does not stack.)


While unconscious, you are paralyzed and cannot perceive your surroundings. Unconscious victims are always successfully targeted with attacks or spells, except on a critical failure.


When you reach 0 HP, you have the vulnerable status, which means any additional damage you take from here on out will deal wounds.

Legendary Resistance

You are immune to effects that would render you helpless or unable to act. Only when lethal or fatal damage puts you on death's door are you unconscious, and called shots made against you do not deal fatal damage. If a peril would confer upon you any of the following status effects, you receive a -2 to all rolls until after your next action instead: Unconscious, Polymorphed, Petrified, Paralyzed, Mad (as a delusion), Held, Fatigued, Feebleminded, Enraged, Confused, Stunned, and Charmed. The exact depiction of legendary resistance in the fiction is up to the GM to determine, and the GM has discretion to rule that other effects not listed here are included in legendary resistance.

Advanced Rules

If you want more nuance, you can use these optional rules for legendary resistance:

You are immune to effects that would render you helpless or unable to act. Only when lethal or fatal damage puts you on death's door are you unconscious, and called shots made against you do not deal fatal damage. If a peril would confer upon you any of the status effects in the table below, you receive the alternative effect described there. The exact depiction of legendary resistance in the fiction is up to the GM to determine, and the GM has discretion to rule that other effects not listed here are included in legendary resistance.


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