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Core RulesCombat & Tactics

Attack & Defense

Rolling to Attack

Roll + Attribute+ 2 Weapon Skill(vs. Defense)

Your weapon's class determines which attribute to use for the attack roll. Blunt weapons, for example, use Mighty, while Light weapons use Deft. If you have a skill that matches the weapon class, add a +2 to the attack.

For example, if you’re using a dagger (which is a Small weapon) and you have the skill Weapon (Small), you make a Deft check and add a +2 to attack. If you roll equal to or higher than your opponent’s defense check, you hit and deal damage to your opponent. Alternatively, you may use a tactic against your opponent in lieu of dealing damage (if the tactic permits). You may only use tactics if you are skilled with the weapon.

Rolling a Defense Check

Roll + Defense Score(vs. Attack)

When you make a defense check, your attempt to avoid the attack can be represented in the fiction in a number of ways: dodging out of the way, pure luck, taking the hit to your armor, deflecting the blow with your shield, parrying with your weapon, etc. Roll a d6 and add your defense. This becomes your defense score. If you choose to parry, you do not roll a defense check.

Attacks of Opportunity

If you're trying to move away from an opponent you are currently in combat with, the GM may allow your opponent to attack you out-of-turn, if they have an attack available in the round. Additionally, the GM may grant you a roll (such as a Reflexes check) to break out of the engagement without triggering this attack of opportunity. Attacks of opportunity only factor in if it's already been established that your opponent has cornered you and is capable of attacking you.


Reactions are extra actions you can take outside your turn. An ability that grants a reaction will specify when you can react and how often, and whether or not it will use up your action in the round. For example, the kit ability Swashbuckler is an ability that grants you a reaction against any attack you successfully parry:


A life of dangerous journeys has made you fast on your feet and quick with your hands. After successfully parrying an attack, you may make an attack as a bonus action at disadvantage, as long as you have MP. You may spend 2 MP to take advantage on defense checks.

The additional attack in this case is a reaction. You do not have a reaction in the round unless an ability grants you one.

Called Shots

A called shot means you intend to target a specific part of your opponent's body with your attack, or make an attack that requires great precision. When you make a called shot, you must declare what you're targeting before you roll. This confers disadvantage to your attack roll. If you want to attack a vital part of the body (head, eye, heart, etc) and deal fatal damage, roll at disadvantage and confer a -2 to hit. It's up the GM whether you can deal enough damage with your attack to confer a fatal peril.

Body Roll Table

If you want to determine a called shot randomly, roll a d6 on this table. The victim suffers the effects on the table below until the round after the next action they take, for the duration of the encounter, or until healed, as determined by the GM.

  1. Head. Victim is blinded or deafened.
  2. Chest. Victim is stunned.
  3. Leg/Foot. Victim's movement is halved (victim can move only 1 personal space each round).
  4. Hand. Victim can't use weapon tactics.
  5. Arm. Victim gets a -2 to actions involving arms.
  6. Gut. Victim receives the bleeding status.

This table is only an example and the GM may create status effects on the fly depending on how the called shot is applied.

Core Fantasy: Weapon Classes

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