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A Quest of Queens—Lore

Lords of Arcadia

The Empire of Arcadia was founded when Lord Gazreth slew Lord Paimon and took the throne of Moruin for himself, breaking the Lord's Alliance. Its singular goal is world domination, under the Emperor's Decree of the One God, which instructs the paladins of Arcadia to make the light of the One God Avestar shine upon every land and every sea on the earth.

The Empire's dominion spans nearly the entire continent of Arcadia. The Empire holds a supernautical battalion that patrols the Night's Ocean, the Black Ocean, the Lost Ocean, and the Ocean of Furies.

The seat of power in Arcadia is Castle Moongarm in Moruin, where the mad Emperor Gazreth resides, however it is governed by multiple competing parties throughout Arcadia: the Congress of Judges vies for control over its overseas crusades against the Hierarchate of Avestar, while the Governors of Albarith issue commands from the Emperor that are often misconstrued or failed to be carried out when they pass through the Hierarchate or the Congress.

Arcadia maintains an unsteady nonaggression treaty with Arcanum, Telrain, Vanis, Mamara and Nithaven, but is actively at war with Altea, Mordaine, and Farlas.

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