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The Long Arm of Vanis

Also known as the Long Arm of Vanis, Nithaven is the dominion of Lady Mótsognir, a paladin of Vanis whose moniker refers to the millions of forge-slaves over which she lords—barely human "dwarves" who toil in darkness. On the northern shore of Nithaven, the great Thomassan Wall overlooks the Ocean of Furies. This crater wall was formed after The Fall, and protects Nithaven from invasion except by a tiny landbridge that connects to Telrain.

The frigid landscape of Nithaven is warmed only by the fires of The Fulcrum, where Vanis' machines of war are forged day and night by a population of millions of slaves. The Fulcrum towers over a handful of oppressed towns: Grimtol, Westyre, and Skeppitur, each of which maintains only the barest semblence of government apart from Vanis' control.

The Nithavelli are a dour, practical people who value hard work and the law. They also fear the Lady Mótsognir as much as they fear the Emperor. Her mission to establish a foothold on the western continent impinges upon the dominion of the free people of Telrain, but communication with Vanis is difficult given that the Dune Sea of Mamara separates Nithaven from its homeland.

Lady Mótsognir

This Vanisian paladin is one the hermit kingdom’s shrewdest military strategists, a ruthless fanatic who believes totally and completely in the Vanisian cause.

The Fulcrum

This massive mine was once the forge of the Colossi and contains an almost limitless supply of lodestones.

Nithavelli Slaves

The deeply racist Vanisan leadership is especially fond of keeping Strongmen, Tarth, and Daemon slaves. Nim engineers are forced to labor on the Vanisian machines of war, and human dissidents of all stripes are made to work alongside them.



  • The Fulcrum


  • Grimtol
  • Skeppitur
  • Westyre


  • Port Divenaldi
  • Rook


  • The Serpentine
  • Thekk Bleeds


  • Slavehold


  • The Thomassan Wall


  • Wayfinder Inn

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