None of the glories we have built to venerate Yevna would exist were it not for the genius of the Great Builder. He was the Architect of our future before we knew what it meant to dream.
Queen Elsene, from The Scrolls of Elsene
The Nim are one of the oldest races in Midworld, celebrated for their ingenuity and communal spirit. Diminutive in stature but towering in intellect, the Nim have long been stewards of innovation. Unlike the stereotypically supercilious High People, the Nim are very social, often forming deep connections with all peoples, regardless of race, in their local community. The old saying goes, "A Nim is a friend to everyone and a foe to none."
In the Scrolls of Elsene, the Queen speaks of a "Great Builder," equal in power and knowledge to herself, whose abilities derived not from Yevna but forces that pre-existed the Yevim on earth. Histories of the High People attribute many of their greatest accomplishments to this Builder. The construction of Muraius, the legendary Magic City, is said to have relied heavily on his technological prowess. The Bridge of Teyat, a portal connecting the Midworld to Muraius, remains one of his most awe-inspiring creations. Yet, despite their contributions, the Nim prefer to work out of the limelight of history, letting others bask in the glory of their collective achievements.
Physiologically, the Nim share surprising similarities with the High People. Though not immortal, they enjoy extraordinary longevity, with some living upwards of half a millennium. This long life grants them a unique perspective on history, enabling them to serve as living repositories of ancient knowledge. A famous Nim sage of five hundred years resides in the Library of Ambion, and many others study in the magic academies of Telrain, where their insights into pre-Fall technology and culture are sought out.