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A Quest of Queens—Lore


The first queen of the High People, Elsene is regarded as a legendary figure who was divinely appointed to lead the Yevim in the Great War against Asag:

Then, Yevna parted the deep with a word. And the Yevim were among Her, but beneath Her face they became silent, for Her power was beyond theirs, and so they came to worship Her. And this was the choice of the one the Yevim called Elsene, for she was their speaker. 10 And Yevna saw that she was wise, and to the Yevim she would become their queen, and because of her wisdom the Yevim were permitted to walk with Yevna. 11 So it is said They came to know her words.

from The Chronicles of the First Age

Various artifacts possessing the magic of Elsene remain in the World of Ruin, such as the Scrolls of Elsene and the Crown of Muraius, the latter of which is passed down through the ages to each of the queens of the High People.

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