Choosing a Perk
The Experience tab allows you to select a perk for any of your hero's ten levels of experience. Click the level, and then choose the perk in the Selections Sidebar, and hit Save (or Reset to remove the perk). If you choose Attribute, you must select one of the three attributes to improve.
Specializing in a Skill
One of the perks you can choose for a level of experience is Specialize. For non-weapon skills, this allows makes the skill explode on a 5 or a 6. For weapon skills, this reveals a list of tactics you can add to the weapon skill. Make sure to click Save after making your selections.
Choosing a Stance
When you gain experience, you may choose a stance to further specialize your character concept. Choose a stance from the list, and click Add Stance to add it to your list of known stances. Make sure to Save after making your selections..