Power is not inherited, little sister. It is taken.
—Princess Elektra of House Erodith
Elektra of House Erodith is Nyn's fraternal twin sister and rival heir to the throne of Muraius. As an acolyte of the Left Hand of the Goddess, she embraces a radical ideology that views the High People as the rightful rulers of all realms. Her mentor Tsain taught her of the sorceress Tezirah, a banished aspirant to the throne of Muraius, whose belief holds that the High People should dominate rather than steward the world.
Working alongside Tsain (who was also her mother's former advisor), Elektra has orchestrated complex alliances among various factions in the Midworld to take the reigns out from under the Queen Who Lives. She has convinced houses within the Changelings to align with her cause by promising them influence in her new dominion. Meanwhile, she manipulated Rhansmarc the Cruel into unearthing the Enders, and the party suspects that the "Red Sorcerer" who has gifted the Magespawn to the Emperor is in fact Tsain. Through her machinations, she aims to undermine her enemies by sowing the seeds of chaos in their kingdoms.
Elektra commands a cadre of fallen Daemon and has access to mercenary resources among the Retainers and other members of the Syndicate. She has even turned Wildcat, Nyn's former handmaiden, to her side. Her forces continually infiltrate and sabotage Nyn's allies in an effort to beat her to the throne of Muraius, but the question remains: is she too far gone for Nyn to save?