In their eyes burns the fire of Asag’s defiance, and in their veins flows the pride of our people. Without them, we are unguarded; with them, we are invincible.
Queen SereYN of House Sylvariel, in a decree establishing the Order of the Justicar
Daemon are believed to have been designed by the High People to be their protectors via a sacred pact. The structure of their caste society is laid out by the extensive divine law of the courts of Muraius, which bind Daemon handmaidens to Yevim queens for life.
The Daemon origins are speculated upon by the scholars in the universities of Arcanum, who point to a sorcerous fusion of Yevim essence and Rasan biology—that of the serpentine dragons that once roamed the ancient world. This fusion imbues the Daemon with unmatched physical strength, a profound sense of duty, and a vulnerability to magic that stems from their mystical creation.
The society of the Daemon is built on a rigid caste system, with warrior-priests and Justicar protectors occupying the highest ranks. Handmaidens are chosen from their ranks to serve Yevim queens for life, ensuring the preservation of this ancient pact. Despite their daunting strength and endurance, the Daemon’s lives are fleeting compared to the Yevim, averaging several centuries at most.
Daemonic youth are trained from an early age in combat, strategy, and loyalty. By the time they reach maturity—typically within fifty years—they are already hardened warriors or devoted handmaidens. Their fearlessness in battle and unwavering allegiance make them both formidable and respected among the High People. However, this same unwavering loyalty binds them irrevocably to the will of their creators, a bond some outsiders view as both a blessing and a curse.
It is an open question the extent to which the Daemon retain the influence of Asag’s bloodline. Their vulnerability to magic is a point of contention, suggesting that the chaotic essence of their draconic ancestors still lingers in their blood. Nonetheless, their heroic deeds during the First Age at the behest of the Queen Elsene to cast down Asag cemented their reputation as indispensable guardians of Muraius.
In the postlapsarian world, the Daemon face a crisis of identity. With the Fall of Muraius and the scattering of the Yevim people, many Daemon wander aimlessly, searching for purpose. Some uphold their sacred duty to the High People, while others seek new kingdoms to serve. This dichotomy raises questions about their autonomy and the morality of their creation, themes that persist in philosophical and theological discourse to this day.