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A Quest of Queens—Lore


These hardy people were very likely the result of some sorcerous tempest, merging Yevim and dragon together into a warrior people. The Daemon adhere to a strict caste system, of which the warrior breed is the highest regarded. They are adventurous, fearless, and dutiful to their friends and family.

Daemon Society

The Daemon and the High People share a sacred pact, as it is believed the High People created the Daemon in the earliest days of Muraius' reign. The sages in the universities of Arcanum speculate that the Daemon are the result of magical intermingling of Yevim biology with that of "Asag's children," a long extinct race of giant serpents and Rasa-adjacent creatures that are only ever referenced in conjunction with the fall of the dragonic god that Elsene fought during the First Age. Their inhuman origins grant them supernatural strength but also a vulnerability to magic that is believed to be a result of their sorcerous origins.

Daemon were designed to be protectors of the High People. The structure of their caste society is laid out by the extensive divine law of the courts of Muraius, which bind Daemon handmaidens to Yevim queens for life. Daemon youth come of age quickly, within half a century, but their lifespan is short as compared to Yevim, averaging several hundred years.

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