To Nesban, the seas are not a vista to be respected, but a vault to be scoured for all its treasures. Merrivale may delineate the boundaries of Cinnabarim's Company's influence, but Nesban's greed knows no such bounds.
—Captain Veena of the Prim Rose Battallion
The Cinnabarim Company is a powerful merchant guild based in the Merrivale Islands, led by the cunning Nim artificer named Lord Nesban. Unlike the Retainers, whose operations are guided by a loose code of conduct, the Cinnabarim are unapologetically opportunistic and driven by greed. Their operations span the oceans, focusing on treasure hunting, artifact recovery, and trade, often to the detriment of the cultures and lands they exploit.
Nesban, whose rise to power is shrouded in rumors of familial betrayal, governs the company with an iron fist. A brilliant yet unscrupulous engineer, Nesban has outfitted the Cinnabarim with advanced Clockwerk technology, much of it reverse-engineered from recovered relics. His private army, composed of conscripted sellswords and Nim engineers from Telrain, is among the best-equipped in Midworld, making the Cinnabarim a force to be reckoned with both on land and sea.
The company’s most controversial activities center on the recovery of Rasan masks, ancient artifacts believed to house the spirits of imprisoned Rasa. Nesban is said to hoard these masks for his private collection, sparking outrage and suspicion among scholars and spiritual leaders. Critics accuse the Cinnabarim of reckless tampering with forces beyond their understanding, though the company dismisses such concerns as superstition.
Despite their dubious ethics, the Cinnabarim thrive in the chaos of the Midworld. Their wealth and influence rival even the most established factions, and their operations in the Merrivale Islands ensure their dominance over regional trade. For Nesban and his investors, every relic recovered and every ruin plundered is another step toward unassailable power.