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A Quest of Queens—Lore


These titanic monsters, borne from a sorcerous mixture of Rasa and High Person origin, are believed to have been early experiments of the Yevim to create the servant race that would become the Daemon.

Whether the magespawn were designed to be weapons of or merely guardians to the High People is unknown. These terrifying beings are amalgamations of dragon and High Person essence, the dragons being among Asag's most powerful brood. As precursors to the Daemon, they are susceptible to magical domination, and though they have a consciousness of their own, it is raw and beastial. It is believed that the High People deemed the magespawn experiment a failure because they were unable to engender a sense of fealty in the creatures, due to their inherently chaotic natures.

According to forbidden Yevim lore, the heretical founder of the Left Hand of the Goddess Tezirah originally designed the magespawn. Ultimately, the magespawn were magically sealed in secret crypts within the Magic City, to slumber for eternity.

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