Their footsteps shook the earth, not with weight, but with the burden of their oath. Against Asag’s horde, they stood as living pillars, holding aloft the hope of all Yevim.
—Lord IlRath of House AUrendir, from The Ballad of the GReat War
The Iphendi stand as the ultimate embodiment of Yevna’s will—paladins of peerless skill and incorruptible resolve. Clad in Iphendi Steel, an indestructible material derived from the God Tree itself, these warriors are said to be invincible as long as they remain connected to the land. In their prime, they were not only Yevna’s guardians but also symbols of the High People’s divine right to rule.
Legends recount the Iphendi’s role in the Great War, where a mere handful of their number turned the tide against thousands of Asag’s forces. This victory is etched in the collective memory of the Yevim as proof of Yevna’s favor, though it came at a great cost. The Iphendi’s connection to the land, mediated through the God Tree, is both their strength and their vulnerability. When the God Tree was destroyed during The Fall, the Iphendi were forced into hibernation, sealed beneath the Tree’s roots in the Conamura Chaos.
Stories persist that the Iphendi can be awakened should The Queen Who Lives bring the Crown of Elsene to their resting place. Their awakening is a tantalizing prospect for those seeking to restore the Yevim to their former glory, but questions linger about the cost. Without the God Tree, their connection to the land may falter, and some fear that the Iphendi could be corrupted.