The question is not who will let us... The question is, who will stop us?
TEzirah of House Erodith, from The Jerathial Codices
The teachings of the sorceress Tezirah, many centuries before the Fall, swayed some among the High People to the belief that the destiny of Muraius was not stewardship of the earth, but total dominion over it. Centuries ago, Tezirah claimed to have glimpsed into the abyss of time, where she saw the High People not as stewards of a single world but as conquerors of countless realms, masters of many Great Crystals and God Trees. Her ideology cast aside the sacred duty of stewardship over the earth for a philosophy of domination, declaring that all other races should be enslaved and molded into tools for the High People’s conquest of the cosmos.
The details of Tezirah’s uprising against the Yevim Queen in her time has been erased from Yevim history. Few records survive of the war that occurred, except to note that Tezirah was banished to the Astral Veil for her actions. The Left Hand of the Goddess venerates Tezirah’s vision, seeing themselves as her successors tasked with bringing her prophecy to fruition.
The Left Hand operates through subterfuge and manipulation, infiltrating Yevim society and the remnants of other races with their doctrine of supremacy. They are known for their mastery of psionics, subtle coercion, and arcane experimentation—traits that make them as feared as they are elusive. Though The Fall dispersed the High People, the Left Hand remains active, sowing seeds of discord and biding their time for the emergence of a leader who can unite them and reignite their crusade.
The current age has seen a resurgence of interest in Tezirah’s philosophy, particularly among factions disillusioned by the failure of the High People's stewardship. Whether this resurgence signals a rekindling of Tezirah’s legacy or the final death throes of a radical movement remains unclear.