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A Quest of Queens—Lore

Emperor Gazreth Estrise

My father was a great man once, a noble man. But power is a poison like no other, and there is nothing left in his body now except hatred.

—Prince Exton Estrise, on Lord Gazreth

Emperor Gazreth Estrise, the unquestioned ruler of the human Empire of Arcadia, is a man whose ambition has left a trail of devastation in its wake. Once a Lord of Arcadia, Gazreth has become a mad sorcerer-king surrounded by noble sycophants in his throne room and corruptors in his inner council. The Estrise family line, once an honorable house among the Arcadian royalty, was dismantled by his own hand: when Gazreth rose to power, he imprisoned his family in Grael Fastness, accusing them of treachery against him as his paranoia mounted. His Imperial warlocks do his bidding in secret, collecting Yevim and Changeling artifacts, which he uses to enhance his power. At the same time, the Imperial Inquisitors carry out his wicked Decree of the One God, which has both dissolved the Churches of Abraxis and Mushtarie and unleashed a religious crusade against nonbelievers.

Gazreth's reign is defined by its cruelty and expansiveness. He ascended to power rapidly, overcoming his enemies with Moruin's vast resources. The fanatical High Priest of Avestar, ever eager for a dictator to rise to power, aided him in quashing dissent among the faith early on, while greedy Governors in the Council of Albarith rallied forces against dissenters before they had the opportunity to react. But both factions now regret their zeal, as the Emperor's madness has become all-consuming, and he courts profane allies, such the mysterious "Red Sorcerer" who has gifted him control over a Yevim Magespawn, in the Castle Moongarm.

The Emperor's obsession with securing ultimate control over Arcadia has left him vulnerable to manipulation by outside factions. Moreover, he made a lifelong enemy out of his own son, the Prince Exton Estrise, who became the face of the rebellion. The schism between father and son is as much personal as it is political, with Exton’s rebellion symbolizing the hope for redemption that Gazreth has long forsaken.

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