High men, on their knees, scour the earth for jewels to put into their crowns. But the Legion needs no kings or queens. Our crown is the destiny of blood and steel, and our dominion is built upon salt and sea.
—Unknown, A Mordish SAYING often attributed to Lord Mord
This legion of ruthless mercenaries claims Mordaine as its homeland. They possess a significant supernautical airforce and a brutal host of sellswords, all of whom are beholden to Lord of the Dread Legion in Castle Irongrey. The leader, appointed by a brutal fight to the death (when passing authority by lineage does not serve), acts as the head of their company. The Dread Lords long ago rejected the Lords' Alliance, and so the Dread Legion is organized instead by its most successful lieutenants and the people of Mordaine, who lend their support via fyrds scattered throughout the land.
Rooted in the defiance of Lord Mord, who refused to join the Lords’ Alliance long before the Fall, the Legion serves as a symbol of independence, strength, and ruthless pragmatism. Its people hold sway over the rugged swamplands and dense forests of Mordaine, but owe allegiance not to ideals or thrones, but to the code of might and survival that defines Mordainan culture.
The bloody contests of succession among Dread Lords ensure that only the strongest or most cunning rise to command. This meritocratic brutality extends to the Legion’s lesser ranks, where every soldier must prove their worth in battle. The four great houses—Thorn, Ironhart, Sigrid, and Varsany—act as pillars of the Legion’s strength, each specializing in unique military disciplines and tactics.

In addition to its formidable ground forces, the Legion boasts a fleet of airships that patrols Mordaine’s borders and ensures its sovereignty against Arcadia and other foreign powers. The fyrds, local militias loyal to the Legion, provide additional manpower and supplies, binding Mordaine’s common folk to the Dread Lords in a shared cause of self-reliance and independence.
Though the Dread Legion has a reputation for ruthlessness, it also represents a rare model of autonomy in a world dominated by empires and alliances. Its continued resistance to Arcadia, as well as its refusal to bow to the Lords' Alliance, has turned Mordaine into a crucible for those seeking refuge from tyranny. However, this defiance comes at a cost: the Legion is often perceived as governed by marauders and opportunists, and their history of brutality casts a shadow over their otherwise noble stand for independence.
Worship of the Sylvan gods and the Gods of Men, particularly Horologos, the god of time and balance, is common among Mordaine's people, reflecting the Mordish belief in adaptability. For the Dread Legion, survival is not just a means but an ends, ensuring that Mordaine remains unconquered in a fractured world.