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A Quest of QueensLore

The Calling

The Calling is no mere song; it is the heartbeat of our end, the melody that unites us in death, or sunders us forever in life.

—Queen Elsene, from The Last Hymnal of the God tree

The Calling is said to be the final song of Elsene, encoded with ancient magic capable of leading the remnants of the High People to the Astral Veil, a transcendent Realm Beyond Realms. To those who heed its melody, the Calling offers everlasting peace—a liberation from the world’s suffering and the burden of their legacy.

Any High Person may begin the Calling, but only a respected leader can inspire the High People to follow. Such leadership requires not just magical power but political currency authority, because many of the Houses of the High People have become embittered since The Fall.

The Calling is regarded by the High People as both a final act of grace and a resignation to despair. To leave Midworld for the Astral Veil is to abandon the world to its chaos; skeptics of the eschaton see such an act as an abdication of their sacred duty to protect the world they once ruled. Thus, the nature of the Calling divides the High People.

Complicating matters, the act of leading the High People through the Calling involves a trial of sacrifices ill-defined by religious literature. It is said that the pathway to the Astral Veil is fraught with illusions, each reflecting the regrets and failings of those who tread it. Moreover, theological critics insist that the process may not be as peaceful as the Scrolls suggest; some fear that what lies beyond the Veil is not salvation but oblivion—or worse, an ancient trap set by powers beyond mortal understanding.

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