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A Quest of Queens—Lore

The Sylvan Pantheon

The Sylvan gods are the voices of the earth, skies, and rivers; if you listen, you will hear their song.

—Vulin of House Ìsithein, from A Prayer for Morning

The Sylvan Pantheon represents the ancient deities of the High People and their reverence for the natural forces of Midworld. These gods, known as Second-Order gods, are considered manifestations of the elder deities Yevna, Zozma, and Teyat.

Unlike the singular nature of the Elder gods, the Sylvan Pantheon divides into several distinct aspects, each embodying a particular element or principle. These gods are intertwined with the cycles of nature that govern mortal existence, representing the balance of chaos and order in the world.

Aspects of Teyat

  • Almacantar, the All-Knower: A god of wisdom and the pursuit of knowledge, Almacantar is often depicted as a sage surrounded by constellations. Worshippers seek his guidance in moments of uncertainty, believing that all things, no matter how chaotic, are known to Almacantar.
  • Horologos, the God of Time: A deity of that represents the relentless march of time, Horologos embodies both eternity and decay. His followers, often ascetics and seers, believe time is a circle, and that to understand its circumference is to glimpse the divine.

Aspects of Yevna

  • Alaudine, the Empyreal Goddess: Representing the sky and its wonders, Alaudine is often associated with mythological birds and the heavens. She is seen as symbol of renewal, rebirth, and revelation.
  • Tantavia, the Goddess of the Hunt: A deity whose domain is the natural world, Tantavia represents the cycle of predator and prey. She is revered by hunters and those who seek to align themselves with the raw, untamed aspects of the wilds.

Aspects of Zozma

  • Tephratigo, the God of Cataclysms: A tempestuous and destructive god, Tephratigo governs storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. His worshipers view cataclysms not as punishment but as necessary upheavals to cleanse and renew the world.
  • Tregator, the Trickster God: The embodiment of cunning, mischief, and unpredictability, Tregator is the patron god of rogues, gamblers, and those who embrace fortune in all its forms. His followers believe that disruption leads to innovation.

While the Sylvan Pantheon was once central to Yevim spirituality, its worship diminished after The Fall. Among the High People, the pantheon endures as part of ancient rites and rituals tied to the Song of Elsene and the God Tree. However, in the Midworld, fragments of Sylvan worship persist, particularly in places like the Dune Sea, Altea, the Old Country, and Farlas. These gods are seen less as omnipotent beings and more as reflections of the world’s inherent dualities, offering wisdom to those who can decipher their symbols.

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