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A Quest of QueensLore

The Rasa

We will watch you from behind your faces.

—Meseampur, Sultana of Al Tufail

The Rasa were once Asag's servants, primordial lifeforms who roamed the world before Yevna claimed it for her own. While the Lords' Alliance drove much of Asag’s forces into the Northern Wastes, the Rasa proved far more difficult to banish, due to their bodiless natures. The earthbound spirits that remain in Midworld encase themselves in the form of monstrous beastmen, manipulating events from the shadows. In the Dune Sea of Mamara, for example, their influence seeps into the minds of sultans, offering forbidden knowledge and power.

Like the High People, the Rasa are immortal, but there is only one generation of them known to exist. Upon death, Rasan spirits are re-implanted into new vessels, ensuring their continued presence in the world. This unbroken cycle grants them a unique perspective, as they carry the memory of countless lifetimes. Legends claim the Rasa possess shapeshifting abilities capable of perfect mimicry of others.

The nature of their society, if it exists, remains a mystery.

The Rasa are less a race of people and more a malevolent network of individuals united by their shared allegiance to chaos. Their presence in Mamara is particularly insidious, for example: they thrive wherever there is discord, bending rulers to their secret will.

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