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A Quest of QueensLore

Q'lere de Lune

Prayer won't sharpen your blade. But keeps mind sharp. Good enough.

—Q'lere De Lune to new Acolytes

Q'lere de Lune emerged from the brutal slaveholds of Nithaven, where Lady Mótsognir's regime worked millions to death in The Fulcrum. As a Nim, her small stature belied an iron will that helped her organize an uprising against the overseers. The rebellion failed, but Q'lere survived and lost a loved one, though the experience left her changed.

In the aftermath, Q'lere discovered the faith of Abraxis, the Bowed God of Mercy. The religion gave her purpose beyond vengeance, though she never forgot those left behind in the mines. When rumors spread of Fodel Bersk's survival as the last cleric of Abraxis, Q'lere sought him out, believing his return marked a chance for redemption.

During the events at Castle Nephris, Q'lere proved instrumental in helping Fodel navigate the castle's perils and rescue the High Priestess Crystallia. Her knowledge of infiltration and survival, hard-won in Nithaven's mines, helped the party overcome deadly traps and Imperial forces.

Q'lere carries visible reminders of her past—a limp from poorly-healed injuries, scarred hands from mining work, and eyes that have seen too much cruelty. Yet she maintains an unwavering dedication to Abraxis's teachings of mercy, believing that compassion, not revenge, will ultimately free Nithaven's slaves.

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