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A Quest of Queens—Lore

Lady Freydis

House Thorn does not command a vast army, but every member of my vanguard fights with the ferocity of 10 men. May the gods have mercy on the foes that underestimate us.

—LAdy Freydis

Lady Freydis of House Thorn is the youngest Dread Lord in Merovia, having inherited the role after her parents were killed by Imperial agents. She emerged as one of the most influential Dread Lords during the events of the Irongrey Saga, turning against Rhansmarc the Cruel when he sought to solidify the allegiance of the Dread Legion under his command. Unlike many of her peers, who rule through fear and brute strength, Freydis cultivates loyalty through pragmatic leadership. She commands a powerful druidic vanguard that are some of the finest warriors in all of Mordaine.

Freydis values the independence of Mordaine above all else. She aligned with Rhansmarc the Cruel under duress, seeing the encroaching Empire as a threat that could only be tackled in superior numbers. Her skepticism of outsiders is tempered only by her highly rational nature; she rescued Shae, a Tarth warrior taken into Imperial slavery, because she was impressed by the Tarth's willingness to fight to the death when the Dread Lords overtook the Imperial warship where she was imprisoned. Shae later became her right hand and general of House Thorn's vanguard.

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