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A Quest of Queens—Lore


Even in death, they loom, casting shadows over the deeds of those who destroyed them. The Fields of Woe are their dirge, and we are all its mourners.

—Chieftain Rasul of Marn, Translated from the oral histories of Clan Marn

The Colossi are among the children of Asag who belonged to an era when giants roamed the earth. These beings were described as hundreds of feet tall humanoids imbued with elemental power. As the High People rose to power and the Lords of Men united against Asag, the Colossi became casualties of a coming war that would pave the way for humankind to rule the Midworld.

The remains of the Colossi litter the Fields of Woe, a desolate expanse in the Northern Wastes. Here, the Colossi appear as petrified statues, frozen in poses of anguish and defeat. The exact nature of their transformation remains a mystery. Some scholars believe their petrification is a form of divine punishment by Yevna, while others suggest it is a side effect of their power being forcibly severed from their bodies during the Great War.

The Colossi's origins are an academic subject. In Mamara, research suggest they were once a race of intelligent beings, akin to the Rasa or the High People, who were corrupted or coerced into becoming Asag’s weapons. Others argue they were never truly alive, but constructs animated by Rasan spirits who were bound to serve as living engines of destruction. Regardless, those who have seen the mournful expressions carved into their petrified faces suggest that they were sentient beings who comprehended their own mortality.

Some believe the Fields of Woe are cursed, and those who venture too far into the Northern Wastes risk becoming afflicted by the dreams of these colossal figures, whose spirits still move across the frigid plains. Is the icy wind what causes men to descend into madness in the cold, or does the suffering of the Colossi seep into the psyches of those who linger in their presence? As the barriers between realms weaken as a result of The Fall, the possibility of their reawakening looms large, a testament to the unresolved consequences of the war against Asag.

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