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A Quest of QueensLore

Martha Bo'Tartha

What do ye mean ya've never heard the name Botartha before? Been livin' under a rock haven't ye?

—Martha Bo'Tartha

Martha Bo'Tartha was a disgraced noblewoman of the wealthy House Botartha in Tarth who resisted her destiny to become a Runeseer like her mother. Though the exact nature of her disgrace remains unclear, she claims to have swindled a blind Tarth to whom she was betrothed, replacing herself with an actual beast of burden. But Martha's tall tales are as numerous as her riches. Like many in her generation, she retreated from their sacred duties—a choice that broke her mother's heart, and helped open up Tarth to be taken over by lesser houses in her absence.

Seeking to redeem herself and restore her family's honor, Martha joined Kazarius, the rightful heir to the Tarth throne, on his quest into the Great Labyrinth. There, she faced the grueling trials of the impish Ikaru alongside her companions, confronting her past sins and sacrificing a piece of her spirit to prove her worthiness.

As a reward for her bravery, the god Pharkun bestowed upon Martha the gift of prophecy, charging her with guiding the Runeseers—the matriarchal council tasked with interpreting the runes of destiny for the Tarth people. Upon returning to Tarth, Martha assumed her place on the council, her visions now a beacon of hope in uncertain times.

But Martha's redemption was not without consequence. During her time with Kazarius, a forbidden romance blossomed, resulting in Martha bearing his child. Though this union secured the Tarth lineage, Martha knew her son's path would be laden with challenges. As a Runeseer and a mother, she would need to balance the weight of her responsibilities to her people and to her child, each day haunted by glimpses of the dark future that awaited them both.

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