Martha Bo'Tartha
- Origin Tarth
- Class Daredevil
- Kit Esper
- Culture Outlander
- Faction Jethantura
- Ethos Esurient
Mighty +5
Deft +3
Smart +3
Hit Points
Armor Points
Magic Points
Choose an Armor
Choose a Weapon
Choose a limb before making an attack, in lieu of dealing damage. If the attack is successful, your opponent drops any object or weapon carried by the limb you target.
Quest Log
Speaking to my mother before entering the labyrinth, I learn the name “Ackaru”, which is the name of a creature I will encounter in the labyrinth. Knowing its name will make it beholden to me for a task.
She also told me that the labyrinth is chaos and at its center is the only stable thing.
After the first peril, I gain a crystal ball where I can see the future for 1 minute.
We will encounter 3 gates – Fairness, Temperance, and Justice
A crown, cloak, ring, belt, and horn.
Mr. Loan puts on the belt, which gives him an extra weakness tag Ancient Shame. Aretus puts on the cloak, which gives him a weakness of Frozen As I Am – he is unflexible and unable to change.
Englebert determines we should ask Ackaru to bear the burdens for us. Ackaru puts on the items, says he will see us again, then disappears. Those weaknesses disappear.
We gain 2 overworld tags:
Ancient Supplication – we meet a group of tarth who have been trying to reach farkun, but they failed. They ask us to bring their totems, sacrifice and history to Farkun and leave it with them. This is seen as a way to restore our honor.
I Carry A Home – Mr Loan works tirelessly to bring comfort and a home to his group. He brings us together and supports us.
After the second peril, we’ve fought each other and are left with a feeling of Contempt. This gives a -2 to spell checks.
Martha asks Farkun how to rebuild her family. She gains the crystal ball as one of her eyes, which is now white like a pearl.
Sees an image of Zed. A blood red jewel. Growing out of a bleeding tree somewhere in the ShadowVale, but it’s missing one sliver. Then see an army of fey-like creatures that face their leader, a fairy with enormous wings where the wings have faces.
Gain the Shaman kit. Go forth into the north and bring…
Level Up!