Sword & Sorcery
A Quest of Queens
Can you restore balance to the World of Ruin?
The Dune Sea
Defy destiny in this pulp action-adventure.
Great White North
Find your fortune in the outlands of Farlas.
Magic University
Face the fantastic at the Magic University.
This ancient fortress sits atop the psychic ruin that is the Northern Wastes, far beyond the boundaries of Arcadia. The frame of edifice is shaped from the skull and bones of a giant Colossi, and has become the rebel headquarters of the Returners, who plot against the Emperor in these desperate end days.
The blasted landscape that surrounds Fell Rock suggests a battle of epic proportions that long ago shook the very foundations of the world.
Fell Rock is a fantastic setting to provide your players with a base of operations. What special advantages it contains can be randomly determined by rolling for which origin originally inhabited it, either during its initial construction or more recently after it was discovered by the Returners.
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Advanced Old School Revival (OSR+) is rules-light tabletop RPG that combines old school play with modern storygaming, designed for new and veteran players alike.
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