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A Quest of QueensLore

Gunnar Stark

A marksman can teach a boy to shoot. But Stark? He taught Cutter to lead.

—LAdy Freydis of House Thorn

Gunnar Stark rose from the muck of Glenluce to become Captain Cutter Varsany's most trusted advisor. In his youth, Stark ran archery competitions in the Arena of Galowest, where he first encountered a young Cutter—then just another scrappy upstart trying to make his mark. Stark recognized something in the boy's determination and took him under his wing, teaching him not just marksmanship but the patient wisdom earned from years of survival in Mordaine's unforgiving swamps.

The two lost contact when Cutter left to join his brother Reyn in the Dread Legion. Years passed as Stark continued training marksmen in Galowest, his reputation growing among the common folk who saw him as a protector. When Rhansmarc betrayed Reyn, leaving him to die against the dragon Chomantalth, Cutter returned to Mordaine changed. He found his old mentor still teaching at the arena and offered Stark a position as his right hand.

During the Irongrey Saga, Sigra the Undying captured Stark while he commanded a detachment of Cutter's forces. His imprisonment and subsequent rescue by the party proved crucial—not only did Stark help rally the remaining fyrds to Cutter's banner, but his steady presence helped temper Cutter's rage over his brother's death.

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