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The Old Country

When travelers speak of the Old Country, they are referring to the sprawling lands of Mordavia, a wintry realm bordering the very edge of the world. The land of Mordavia is covered in old, hearty trees that have steeled themselves against its bitter, yearlong winters.

Mordavian edifices are ancient, stretching back almost to the age before the High People's rule. Its people are superstitious, deeply religious, and often skeptical of outsiders. A large population of Mora gypsies reside here, and historians believe this is the land of their origin. Civilization centers around the great City of Twilight called Sibot and its vast moors, which have endured rulership by a variety of invidious noble families called the Barony. From the frozen cliffs at the edges of the land, mysterious Lords from the Castles Cetatis and Vaun quietly oversee its destiny. These Lords descend from the ones who abandoned their oaths when the Lords' Alliance was broken.

In Mordavia, the Mora is mostly worshiped, but there are hints of the Sylvan Pantheon and even the Elder Gods among its people's diverse faiths. Shrines to the Rasan gods can be found in Sibot and the outlying villages in the east.

Mordavia & Arcanum

There was a time when the Old Country stretched all the way to Arcanum, but centuries of conflict led to the “civilizing” of the land by Queen Madeleine II’s ancestors. To the Mordavians, the Gentle City’s founding marks the beginning of their exile from a land they claimed was originally theirs.

The Lords of Mordavia

The mysterious rulers who inhabit Castles Cetatis and Vaun are seldom seen outside their fortresses. Count Vaun is believed to be a powerful knight from an unknown, ancient order, and the Countess Bretanya is connected to family of the Queen of Arcanum.



  • The Abbey


  • Astroma
  • Düsterdorf
  • Ramul
  • Riva


  • The Barony


  • Castle Cetatis
  • Castle Vaun


  • The Listening Foothills


  • The Old Manse


  • River Driutess
  • River Kron
  • Utomi


  • The Secret Wood
  • The Weirding Walt


  • Sibot


  • Mt. Solace

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