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A Quest of Queens—Lore

High Priestess Crystallia

The flames of the Brazier may burn our flesh, Inquisitor, but they cannot burn away the truth.

—High Priestess Crystallia to Inquisitor Zerkeen

High Priestess Crystallia was a priestly wunderkind within the Imperial religious hierarchy, elected to high rank in the priesthood at an early age. As the High Priestess of Avestar, she witnessed firsthand the atrocities committed by the Empire against its own people. Her position granted her unique insight into the workings of the Congress of Judges and their manipulation of faith to serve the Emperor's ambitions.

Her defection from the Empire marked a turning point in the rebellion. Crystallia reached out to the Returners seeking extraction, carrying vital intelligence about an imperial reliquary in Castle Nephris. Her knowledge of the Braziers of Avestar and their role in creating the Prophets made her an invaluable ally to those fighting against the Emperor's tyranny.

During the events at Castle Nephris, Crystallia demonstrated both courage and conviction in the face of Inquisitor Zerkeen's threats. Even when tied above the Brazier and subjected to torture, she maintained her faith in the old ways, believing in the balance between Avestar, Abraxis, and Mushtarie rather than the Emperor's doctrine of the One God.

Crystallia represents the possibility of redemption within the Empire's ranks. Her decision to abandon her position and join the rebellion stemmed from her belief that the Emperor had perverted the true faith. Her actions helped unite the disparate faiths of Arcadia against his rule, particularly in helping to light the Brazier of Abraxis and restore the old religions.

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