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A Quest of Queens—Lore

Numenic Ore

Magical meteoric metal that is said to have pelted the surface of the planet during its formation, numenic ore is raw material that can be refined into lodestones or consumed by sorcerers as a source of magic.

Numenic ore is a rare material of limited supply, and therefore extremely valuable. The Lords of Vanis actively seek out new sources of numenic ore to send to the Fulcrum in Nithaven, just as the Peers of Arcanum direct the excavation of the Fiskhollow Mines to produce numenic ore for their own foundries. Sorcerers often collect different types of numenic ore so that they can be consumed in the process of metamagic transmutations, or to increase the size of their magic pools.

Numenic ore in its natural state is dangerous to living beings, as prolonged exposure to the ore's magical radiation can have unpredictable effects on their physiologies. Spellcasters usually distill trace amounts of numenic ore into magical potions, though it's debatable whether a heavily reliance on the substance could be a danger to one's health in the long term...

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