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A Quest of Queens—Lore

Astral Veil

Should you be stupid enough to cross that delicate boundary between dream and oblivion, tread lightly. Even the gods whisper in hushed tones of its depths, for there, all anchors of the flesh are loosed, and the soul stands naked before infinity.

—Mergrim Mennetestor, Archmage of The Cerulean Academy

The Astral Veil is known among sorcerers and those knowledgeable of the occult as the "Realm between Realms," a liminal space through which it is said spirits pass from the mundane world into whatever lies beyond life and death.

The Astral Veil is hypothesized among the mages in the Guilds of Magic to be a plane of existence that supervenes on our own—every point of space in time in the mundane world corresponds to a point in space and time in the Veil. Furthermore, the theory goes that every living thing is also connected to the Astral Veil because minds or spirits are a substance that actually exists there, and not in the material world; the body is its anchor to the mundane realm. Therefore through the astral arts, magical adepts have made it possible to mentally traverse great distances within the physical realm by means of the Astral Veil, rendering actual physical effects in the locations they visit, before being returned to their bodies.

Such mediums and shamans who might make use of the Veil in this way know that it is dangerous to transport an untrained mind across the Veil's vast, undifferentiated gulfs for extended periods, or without great preparation. Many an ill-equipped traveler has been rendered a vegetable when the Veil's turbulent dreamscapes sweep away their minds into its innumerable voids, permanently severing the body's link to its astral counterpart.

Some believe that the Astral Veil can be means to communicate with, or even summon back into the physical realm, spirits of the dead or entities from realms unknown to our own. These claims, however dubious, persist in rumors of those who have tried to fetch otherworldly spirits through the Veil, only to be taken themselves across its boundary, and never returned.

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