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OSR+ News

It's Time to Start the Party

New Website Tools to Help Run Your Table

Over the winter (aside from battling a seemingly endless flu), I’ve begun to lay the foundations of realm actions in the OSR+ website. Realm actions are actions you can take in the website like sharing items between heroes’ character sheets, creating global tags for your adventuring party, and more.

To get started, visit the Party tab in your account:

Adding Party Members

All you need to add other users to your party is their username (which they can find on their Account tab). They'll receive an invite to join your party, and can accept your invite in their Party tab.

Users in your party can then be subject to realm actions you initiate as a GM, or take realm actions with other user accounts in your party.

When you remove a user from your party, they'll be added to your Ignore list. This prevents them from inviting you into a party in the future. If you want to add them back, just remove the user from your Ignore list.

Realm Actions...

The next step on my end is developing realm actions.

Here are some examples of realm actions that are under active development.

Sharing Items Between Heroes

Sometimes you just want to send an item in your inventory to another hero's inventory without having their player recreate the item. Now that players can be added to your party, this realm action becomes relatively easy to add to the Character Creator.

Sending Unidentified Items

If you're a GM, you've likely come into a scenario where a player discovered a magic item, but it hasn't been identified in the fiction yet. You can't tell them to look up the item and add it to their inventory because they don't know what it is yet, but you also don't want them to forget to add it!

The first of the GM Tools allows you to create any item, treasure, or armament and send it to the heroes of players in your party. You can mark it as unidentified which keeps its identity a secret until you decide to reveal it to the player.

Global Story Tags

Individual heroes display the story tags unique to their character, but it's possible in OSR+ to create many global story tags that anyone in the party can use during the game.

This GM Tool will enable GMs to create global story tags that can be pushed out to any player in your party, this way they can track the tags within their character sheet.

Welp, that's all I've got for now! Now go find your friends and start the party!

More in It's Time to Start the Party...

D. James Quinn

D. James Quinn is your friendly neighborhood Game Master and the creator of OSR+. His favorite holiday is Halloween and he is a fan of Oxford commas.

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