This opalescent stone is animated by an arcane genius that will only reveal its function to mages who first befriend it. For every point of strength, it takes an hour of uninterrupted conversation to befriend the stone. The stone floats around your head conspiciously when it is being used. Every stone contains a number of MP equal to its strength (1: 2 MP; 2: 3 MP; 3: 6 MP) that you may add to your MP pool to cast sorcery spells; these MP recover when you rest. After befriending with the stone, roll a d6 to determine its secondary property (which may be activated by thought): 1) as a reaction, you may counter a sorcery spell per the spell Counterspell; 2) the stone lets you breathe without air, 3) the stone sustains you without food or water; 3) the stone stores an additional 1d6 HP that recover when you rest; 6) the stone confers a soak of 1.