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Kelses Rion Rae'Oen Taethor

By kelses
  • Origin Humans
  • Class Mage
  • Kit Esper
  • Culture Other
  • Faction Atheist
  • Ethos Arbitrator

Mighty +1


Deft +4


Smart +11


Hit Points

2 / 2

Armor Points

4 / 4

Magic Points

20 / 20

Fate Points

3 / 3





You may distribute 11 points to your attributes upon character creation, but if you do, you start with 1 fewer skill.

Arcane Adept



As a reaction, you may make a spell check using Smart to dispel the magic of your enemies (per the spell Dispel Magic) if you have not already acted in the round. Additionally, you may absorb their spell before its targets are affected by the magic as long as your opponent is visible to you (per the spell Counterspell). To absorb an opponent’s magic, you must spend MP equal to the MP your opponent spent to cast the spell. As long as you have MP (and at the GM's discretion), you can create minor, illusory cantrips related to your maleficence. Such cantrips are instantaneous and harmless, and cannot duplicate the effects of any other spells.




Your sixth sense is oftentimes your salvation. You are never surprised when ambushed, and may always act during the surprise round. You gain advantage on initiative checks.



Weapon Icon

Quarterstaff +1


Weapon Icon

Bare Fists or Feet +1




Linen Armor




You have no shield equipped.

  • Defense +4
  • Initiative +2
  • Soak 0




Heroic deeds of valor are not your forte.





Maleficence Icon


Sorcery +13

Bewilders the mind.

The victim is confused (they may act with disadvantage) and can't cast spells until after their next action.


  • Spell Icon

    Breath Weapon

    Elemental +13

    You breathe your maleficence into the area of effect. Everyone within the area of effect is subject to its peril (except you).

  • Spell Icon

    Charm (Person)

    Charm +13

    Your enchantment makes a single humanoid target friendly towards you and assuages their suspicions. When you are casting this spell, it is not apparent to the untrained eye. This spell immediately fails if anyone in the area of effect is engaged in hostile action with the victim or its allies, or if you or your allies take hostile action thereafter. When engaged in social combat with a charmed person, you receive advantage on all rolls. A charmed person maintains their disposition toward you even after the spell ends, unless there is reason to question the friendship or the enchantment is revealed.

  • Spell Icon


    Charm +13

    You command a single target to perform a single action. No form of magic can be used to command the target to perform suicidal actions or actions that would knowingly endanger them, including alterations to this spell.

  • Spell Icon


    Metamagic +13

    You couple one or more spells to cast simultaneously at a later time. For each spell you couple in this way, this spell adds a cumulative cost in MP to cast: coupling two spells costs 2 MP plus the cost of the spells involved; coupling 3 spells costs an additional 5 MP; coupling four costs an additional 9 MP. The spells cast in contingency have duration, targets, and area of effect equal to MP cost at which they were coupled. This spell cannot be coupled in this way.

  • Spell Icon

    Control (Energy)

    Elemental +13

    You can manipulate the flow, direction, and intensity of a single source of energy, such as a burning fire, arc of electricity, light, or sound wave. If the source is used to cause harm to a target, apply the peril of the corresponding maleficence.

  • Spell Icon

    Dimension Door

    Dimension +13

    You create a pair of spacetime portals that serve as doorways to each other. The portals can be any size, up to that of a personal space. You may place either portal anywhere in the area of effect. (If they are placed too close together or subject to destructive force, the portals immediately blink out of existence.)

  • Spell Icon

    Elemental Form

    Elemental +4

    You shape your maleficence into a cloak that surrounds you or your target in magical energy. Choose a type: cold, fire, sound, lightning, force, or light/shadow. For the duration of the spell, magical sources of harm from the chosen element are reduced by 50%, rounded down in your favor. You may cast this spell multiple times to improve the protection (down to 1 point of damage) and choose different elements each time. If you are attacked (whether successfully or not), your maleficence inflicts a peril matching the element chosen.

  • Spell Icon

    Haste & Slow

    Time +13

    You shape your maleficence into a temporal whiplash that affects a number of targets equal to the MP you spend in the area of effect. If slowed, victims always act last, move at 1/2 their movement rate (a personal space rather than a melee space), and make Deft checks at disadvantage. If hasted, targets act before those who are not hasted, move at twice their movement rate (an encounter space rather than a melee space), and make Deft checks at advantage.

  • Spell Icon

    Mirror Image

    Illusion +13

    Through the working of this spell, you conjure a number of illusory duplicates of yourself equal to the MP you spend. These insubstantial clones imitate your actions, making it difficult for opponents to determine which among them is the real you. When you are targeted by an attack or spell, there is a 1 in X chance of actually targeting you, where X is the number of duplicates you generate. If a duplicate is touched or otherwise physically or magically interacted with, it blinks out of existence.

  • Spell Icon


    Alchemy +13

    This spell requires a combination of material components and knowledge of the spells that create the effects you desire to make permanent. The spells involved must be cast in conjunction with this spell, and the components are consumed in the casting of the spell. Confer with the GM to determine the required components and casting time.

  • Spell Icon


    Curative +4

    You channel the power of your magic patron to sanctify a number of objects equal to the MP you spend. This spell can purify food and drink of disease or impurity, transform liquid into holy water, dispel profane influences over an area of effect, or transform mundane objects into holy symbols.

  • Spell Icon

    Spell Turning

    Abjuration +13

    You use your maleficence to reflect a spell to its source. You must spend MP equal to the MP spent by the opposed caster and succeed against them in an opposed spell check in order for the spell to be reflected. This spell may be cast as a reaction if you have not already acted in the round.

  • Spell Icon


    Astral +13

    You fold a target object into the spiritual realm, disappearing it from the physical world. The object thus affected cannot be interacted with by any physical means. The size of the object is limited by the spell's area of effect.

  • Spell Icon

    Word of Undoing

    Force +13

    You utter a magic word at your targets, which unleashes a destructive resonance within them. Your targets can be of any size in the area of effect, up to a weight of 100 pounds per MP spent. Brittle and fragile objects immediately explode; rock, metal, and other similarly tough materials may require you to make a spell check vs. a TN of the GM's choosing. This spell does not work against living flesh or magical objects.


Maleficence Icon


Sorcery +13

Bewilders the mind.

The victim is confused (they may act with disadvantage) and can't cast spells until after their next action.



Focus Icon

Second Wind


The thrill of the fight only emboldens you, and each success fills you with renewed vigor. Whenever you explode a die by rolling natural 6 on a d6, you recover 2 MP.

Known Stances

  • Stance Icon

    Aura of Power


    Your unshakeable faith in the gods protects you against great peril. As a reaction, you may make an opposed check to cancel a single source of lethal damage (matching the attribute of the check that precipitated the damage), with advantage.

  • Stance Icon

    Crowd Control


    Lesser foes perish when they hesitate in your awesome presence on the battlefield. If the damage caused by your weapon would kill a minion on a successful attack roll, you may spread the leftover damage to any other minions adjacent to your personal space as a reaction.

  • Stance Icon

    Fey Resistance


    The powers of your lineage awaken within you as you adventure farther into your quest. When you learn this stance, you are 50% immune to magical or mundane sleep and charm.

  • Stance Icon

    Interrogation Tactics


    You've come to understand that what's not said is often truer than what is. After you engage in conversation with your subject, you may use psychological tricks to catch them in a lie. Ask a single pointed question, and you create a GM advantage regarding the answer.

  • Stance Icon

    Leadership Stance


    In the party, you take on the role of the steadfast leader, always putting the safety of your allies first. When you lead group action, you are not penalized for shouldering the burden of multiple piggybacking allies. Alternatively, if you are leading the action in a scene check, you may reroll the dice in any one of the acts, once per session.

  • Stance Icon

    Magical Longevity


    The powers of your lineage awaken within you as you adventure farther into your quest. When you learn this stance, your total lifespan increases by a factor of 1d6.

  • Stance Icon

    Negotiating Tactics


    You are a champion of negotiation when it comes to moneyed affairs. When you engage in a business transaction, you may create a narrative advantage that represents your unique leverage in the situation.

  • Stance Icon

    Second Wind


    The thrill of the fight only emboldens you, and each success fills you with renewed vigor. Whenever you explode a die by rolling natural 6 on a d6, you recover 2 MP.

  • Stance Icon

    Silver Tongue


    Your eloquence often gets you out of sticky situations. As a reaction, you may re-roll any check involving social interaction.


Focus Icon

Second Wind


The thrill of the fight only emboldens you, and each success fills you with renewed vigor. Whenever you explode a die by rolling natural 6 on a d6, you recover 2 MP.

Inventory (0/11)

Item Icon
Linen Armor
Item Icon





Armor Icon
Linen Armor


You have no shields in your inventory.



Quest Log

This hero has not logged any notes.


None Selected


  • 2
    +1 Smart
  • 3
    +3 Magic Points
  • 4
    +1 Smart
  • 5
    +1 Skill
  • 6
    +1 Smart
  • 7
    +1 Bonus Spell
  • 8
    +1 Smart
  • 9
  • 10
    +1 Smart

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