Captain Veena
I'm looking for men of honor, not mere vagabonds.
- Origin Humans
- Class Fighter
- Kit Swashbuckler
- Culture Islander
- Faction Baetylus
- Ethos Guardian
Mighty +3
Deft +7
Smart +4
Hit Points
Armor Points
Magic Points
Fate Points
My Story
I am looking for men of honor, not mere vagabonds. People who believe in their cause.
Captain Veena
Veena is the grandaughter of the Prim Rose battalion's first captain, the legendary Captain Black. Her family was killed by Rhansmarc the Cruel, and her vendetta against the pirate has led her on a lifelong quest to defeat the Black Banner pirates and bring order to the Outer Rim. The stalwart Captain is a young but decorated soldier who took command of the Good Ladies of Mariana Bay's supernautical airforce, the Prim Rose, after her grandfather faced an untimely death at the hands of Rhansmarc the Cruel. She’s brash, no-nonsense, and shrewd, but because of her fairness, she is well-respected by her crew.
Adventure Hook
Captain Veena's flagship The Dauntless has been shipwrecked after an encounter with Rhansmarc the Cruel. With her crew captured by the evil pirate, she needs help from the party to reclaim her vessel. What does Veena promise in exchange for their aid?
Choose an Armor
Choose a Shield
Choose an Armor
Choose a Weapon
Choose a limb before making an attack, in lieu of dealing damage. If the attack is successful, your opponent drops any object or weapon carried by the limb you target.