Fodel Bersk
Let Abraxis sort them out.
- Origin Humans
- Class Cleric
- Kit Shaman
- Culture Outlander
- Faction Abraxis
- Ethos Guardian
Mighty +4
Deft +4
Smart +4
Hit Points
Armor Points
Choose a Weapon
Choose an Armor
Choose a Weapon
Quest Log
Astrid – place lost – orphaned daughter of highborn nobles, an islander. Related to the emperor. Born in to crazy wealth, discarded as an orphan. Lost a city-state nation that was her birthright. Explored mysticsism, desires connection. Settles in with a group of rogue witches. Fodel is the faith behind the leader Nyn. Bag of Bones – creates an animated skeleton.
Claire – place lost – secret sect of Telrainan Mora, moved to Nythaven. Left because her partner died, began to travel (gypsy). Found a charm related to Abraxis, absorbed the power of an attack against her. Researched the artifact and learned of Fodel as the last cleric.
Echock (?) – clockwerk, books & scrollcases, searching for his party of merchants. Astrid did a perception check
Tre’ala – left behind a merchant company, logging group of Nim, was the cleric of the group and was removed due to her interest in Abraxis. Lost a small cabin in the woods that was home to an Altean rebellion group. Soup Stone – small stone that produces soup. Used to feed the needy. Came across a journal that mentioned Fodel, heard of a group that was following the Queen.
Crazy Dogs – thaumaturgy, evil, necromancy, diametrically opposed to our beliefs, liturgic runes (As I make you, you remain in the Emperor’s grasp)
Documents that indicate infighting against the Emperor – Lords of Aboreth are squabbling
Book of the Redeemer: Outlines the 3 gods of men, the castles represent each. Nelfrain the High Priest, the First Prophet was murdered, the castle is haunted.
The lantern indicates that it has room for 3 souls
Door is sealed, requires a soul or sacrifice of one that believes in the Mother (Mushari)
Scroll – talks of the birth of the High Priest Nelfrain
Christalia – high priestess of the church of Vester
We transferred the soul of the prophet to the lamp, need Abraxis and Avester (need to determine how this happens)
Need to understand more of the cleric Nelfrain
Whoever has the lantern also has the insight of the prophet inside
Prisoners Freed – Maug (Tarth), Rhaksa (Strongwoman), Devynain (Nim), Ahcuck (clockwerk)
All have tags –
Fear Goes Both Ways – negative story tag against Pymon (Fodel gave him a command to let him know we were here)
Father – Abraxis
Son – Avestar
Mother – Mushari (Prophet)
Loose souls?
Nelfrain could be one we sacrifice for Abraxis (true believer).
Magic Divining Rod – piece of Nefrain’s artifact that is drawing us into the room
Glowing broach from Tre’ala – lasts 1 hr, dungeon is dark
We have a full staff! The NPC who was a Nim was actually a Changeling who is aligned to Zed (changeling associated to Nyn). He wants the red crystal at the end of all this.
Staff 3x daily – Absorb Harm, Transfer Health, Sanctify. Single use power that causes it to be inert – “purify soul” (we don’t know what this means)
Zed is constructing a great crystal, the Emperor may have a shard that corrupted him
E’chuck – clockwerk
Devinanin (Nim) – changeling
Rahksah – chick
STORYTAG: (A Doomed Resolve; A Spectral Dance) In It Until The End
SuperScepter – Absorb Harm, Transfer Health, Sanctify, Psychic Transferrence. Single use power that causes it to be inert – “purify soul”
White Mage – Your loyalty to the faith makes you a resourceful healer. You may use your action to cast Curative spells as a reaction. For 1 MP, you may substitute a spell you know with any Curative spell of your choosing. You must spend a round praying to your divine patron prior to being able to cast it. You may cast the substituted spell until you rest, after which time your old spell replaces it. Curative spell checks explode on a 5 or a 6.