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Premium Access

OSR+ vs. Patreon

You can sign up for a premium subscription either through our website, or through Patreon. We offer Patreon as a convenience and because it’s a super popular platform for creators.

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Just a quick note: you don't need to pay to play OSR+. You can make a free NPC subscription and enjoy access to the Fantasy Core Rules and the Quest of Queens in all our digital tools, such as the Character Creator. However, if you want access to every campaign setting as well as fun community perks, we offer a variety of subscriptions to whet your appetite!

Access to Digital Tools
Access to Fantasy Core Rules and A Quest of Queens in Character Creator
Create unlimited public character sheets with the Character Creator
500+ avatars to choose from for your characters
Create unlimited monsters with the Monster Maker*
18,000+ avatars to choose from for your characters
Access all current and future Worlds of OSR+ in Character Creator
Create unique abilities for your monsters with the Monster Maker*
Save character sheets privately in Character Creator
Custom inventory icons in Character Creator
4 ($4.99/mo) or 8 ($7.99/mo) seat codes to grant your table premium access
8 seat codes to grant your table premium access
Community Privileges
Early access to actual play & podcasts
Access to a members-only #crossroads-inn chat on Discord
Beta access to features on the OSR+ website via Discord
+1,000 starting cake
+9,000 starting cake
+10,000 starting cake
+30,000 starting cake
+50,000 starting cake
+1 Fate Point to create a named concept in OSR+
+2 Fate Points to create a named concept in OSR+
Add your ideas to D&F & TBD RPG randomized lists
Eligible to join late night video hangouts
Supporter Recognition
Supporter credit on the website
Supporter credit in our actual plays
Supporter shout-out on our actual plays

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