Vera Thabbit & Bedlam (Ed)
- Origin Nim
- Class Mage
- Kit Witch
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- Ethos Radical
Sword & Sorcery
A Quest of Queens
Can you restore balance to the World of Ruin?
The Dune Sea
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Great White North
Find your fortune in the outlands of Farlas.
Magic University
Face the fantastic at the Magic University.
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Your art is central to who you are, an expression of your soul and competence. You desire to create that one great work that will be remembered for all time.
Whether it's a cultural practice or a weird habit of yours, polite society does not agree with it.
You gain advantage on any check that involves engineering or crafting. You have advantage on Deft but have disadvantage on Mighty.
You may make a spell check using Smart to dispel the magic of your enemies (per the spell Dispel Magic). Additionally, as a reaction, you may absorb their spell before its targets are affected by the magic as long as your opponent is visible to you (per the spell Counterspell) and you have not already acted in the round. To absorb an opponent’s magic, you must spend MP equal to the MP your opponent spent to cast the spell. As long as you have MP (and at the GM's discretion), you can create minor, illusory cantrips related to your maleficence. Such cantrips are instantaneous and harmless, and cannot duplicate the effects of any other spells.
You serve a dark patron that has gifted you with eldritch power. As a living extension of your touch, your patron uses your action to act on your turn, but can move independently of you. It has 1 HP, and can either fly, entangle victims, or hide in shadows. You may expend a consumable supply to create a Hex tag, in the form of a totem, charm, or brew. For 2 MP, you or your patron may inflict the hex upon a victim, and the GM chooses a relevant status or spell-like effect to confer thereby. If the familiar dies, you immediately suffer 1 wound, but your patron will return from the dead after 24 hours. Charm spells explode on a 5 or 6.
Hunting Knife +2
Flintlock Pistol +7
Bare Fists or Feet +2
Reinforced Vestments
You have no shield equipped.
Heroic deeds of valor are not your forte.
Sorcery +9
You may divide the damage caused by your maleficence among any number of targets in a melee space. When used in conjunction with another peril, the peril of this maleficence is applied to all targets in a melee space. Finally, if this maleficence would deal zero damage, the victim is stunned until after their next action.
Breath Weapon
Elemental +9
You breathe your maleficence into the area of effect. Everyone within the area of effect is subject to its peril (except you), but your maleficence deals zero damage.
Charm +9
You command a single target to perform a single action, as if they were charmed by you. No form of magic can be used to command the target to perform suicidal actions or actions that would knowingly endanger them, including alterations to this spell. A victim so charmed attempts to carry out the action for as long as the spell's duration, or until it is accomplished or made impossible.
Dimension Door
Dimension +9
You create a pair of spacetime portals that serve as doorways to each other. The portals can be any size, up to that of a personal space. You may place either portal anywhere in the area of effect. (If they are placed too close together or subject to destructive force, the portals immediately blink out of existence.)
Mirror Image
Illusion +9
Through the working of this spell, you conjure a number of illusory duplicates of yourself equal to the MP you spend. These insubstantial clones imitate your actions, making it difficult for opponents to determine which among them is the real you. When you are targeted by an attack or spell, there is a 1 in X chance of actually targeting you, where X is the number of duplicates you generate. If a duplicate is touched or otherwise physically or magically interacted with, it blinks out of existence.
Word of Undoing
Force +9
You utter a magic word at your targets, which unleashes a destructive resonance within them. Your targets can be of any size in the area of effect, up to a weight of 100 pounds per MP spent. Brittle and fragile objects immediately explode; rock, metal, and other similarly tough materials may require you to make a spell check vs. a TN of the GM's choosing. This spell does not work against living flesh or magical objects.
Sorcery +9
You may divide the damage caused by your maleficence among any number of targets in a melee space. When used in conjunction with another peril, the peril of this maleficence is applied to all targets in a melee space. Finally, if this maleficence would deal zero damage, the victim is stunned until after their next action.
Spider Climb
Your masterful control over your balance and strength enables you to scale sheer surfaces with almost supernatural deft. As an action, you can climb even the most treacherous smooth surfaces without climbing gear, at twice the speed of the average adventurer, quickly and quietly (actions involving climbing that would ordinarily compromise your stealth status do not). Most checks you make that rely on climbing automatically succeed. If the GM requires a check, you may re-roll it if you fail.
Spider Climb
Your masterful control over your balance and strength enables you to scale sheer surfaces with almost supernatural deft. As an action, you can climb even the most treacherous smooth surfaces without climbing gear, at twice the speed of the average adventurer, quickly and quietly (actions involving climbing that would ordinarily compromise your stealth status do not). Most checks you make that rely on climbing automatically succeed. If the GM requires a check, you may re-roll it if you fail.
Spider Climb
Your masterful control over your balance and strength enables you to scale sheer surfaces with almost supernatural deft. As an action, you can climb even the most treacherous smooth surfaces without climbing gear, at twice the speed of the average adventurer, quickly and quietly (actions involving climbing that would ordinarily compromise your stealth status do not). Most checks you make that rely on climbing automatically succeed. If the GM requires a check, you may re-roll it if you fail.
You have no shields in your inventory.
Small wooden box, inlaid with scenes on fours sides and mechanism on the top that plays music and unlocks hidden compartments within the box.
A hidden cottage in the woods used for secret meetings and to escape from the stress of the war.
A group of magic-users who meet secretly to share their skills.
My sister died in the war due to my negligence. As the black sheep in a family of military fanatics, I didn't take my duties seriously and wasn't there to save my sister from an ambush in the war.
This hero has not logged any notes.
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