Astrid Sunfire Spiritsong
Harmony, Balance, Nature, and Free Love
- Origin Humans
- Class Cleric
- Kit Sorcerer
- Culture Islander
- Faction Mushtarie
- Ethos Arbitrator
Mighty +2
Deft +4
Smart +5
Hit Points
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Quest Log
How did my magic item help me find my faith in Abraxis.
Two hooks:
– the group you left behind. A rebel block.
– a place you lost to the empire. The home I had was destroyed or perverted by the empire. A fortress or great city.
How did I learn of Fodel and why is he my last hope?
There is a lantern in front of the crumbling castle ruins of Nefris. The Lantern of Souls has fire that can light a brazier on the castle, but only someone with belief in all 3 of the gods of the human pantheon can weild it.
Fodel and his lovely ladies want to get to the castle Nefris and light the brazier. Lighting the brazier will be a beacon of hope that Nyn has a foothold in the empire itself.
Nefris is in the heart of the Empire, and you can see the home of the Emporer from this castle.
It’s very hot. It’s embedded in the cliff of a mountain. The outer gate has ruins of a village and you can set up camp there. A contingent heading there wouldn’t be larger than 50 people. It’s also stormy. There are tales of creatures that perch upon the rafters of the castle and can take away people.
We interrogate Luther. We find out that he’s not actually here just inhabiting the body of canuk.
We use Captain Veena to fight someone off in the side. We meet with Misan
Astrid is the daughter of nobility – a very distant relation of the Emporer. Her whole family was killed as a way to get revenge on the Emporer, and she was put in the charge of a trustee who basically store her fortune, home, and future. She became a wanderer and joined up with a group of free-love witches, who think that magic should be free and unencumbered and not taught, but a natural resource.
She searches deeply for connection and has felt for a long time that she is missing a key piece of herself. After hearing the story of Nyn, Astrid felt compelled to learn more, at which point she learned of the extraordinary reappearance of the Last Priest of Abraxis. Astrid sees his rise as a divine message from her goddess, and she believes that Fodel represents the completion of her faith.
My bag of bones has 1 in it and renews once per day.
We’re gonna head to Castle Nefferis. We make our way into the heart of the arcadian empire. Along the way, we get a global story tag where we learn that a merchant who shouldn’t be working for The Empire made parts for his clockwerk machine army.
We have some knowledge from the clockwerk – basically a hard drive we can search.
We have a vessel of oil that emanates magic. It’s a green-colored oil. Ectoplasmic Oil.
We meet up with a person who was also climbing this treacherous mountain.
We walk brazenly into the camp at the base of the Castle. There’s a large tent with the symbol of Avestr, guarded by hell-hounds. We walk into the giant tent, and there’s a big old gold soldier holding a Lantern.
28, 90, 56, 97
I have an opalescent stone, initials CS. We destroy the big statue man and get the Lantern and run to get out of dodge.
We meet the head of the cult of Avester, and it turns out she called for the Returners to come help her.
We have notes on all the political positions in the Empire
Notebook on the 3 castles of the empire that ahs all sorts of lore. The brazier is at the castle we are in front of, and we have the lantern needed to light it up.
We need the soul of someone with true faith in the mother in order to unloack the doors to the castle with the braziers.
We now have 4 NPCs
Devanane – Jack of all Trades
Roxa – Loyal to a Fault
Maug – Never down for the count
Crystalia, high priestess – Heal, Restore, Purify
A’Chuck – Street Charlatan
Might there be loose souls floating around that are true believers in the other gods we need?
Nelphrane – true believer in Abraxis
I open up the Book of the Redeemer. It tells the story of Nelphrane who is a healer and can cure sickness. This is a chamber where people can go to be healed.
Potion of Mindreading
Aesthral Cloak
The Paladins got jealous of Nelphrane. They sinned.
Wrath, Pride, Sloth, Jealousy – their sins
A Lover, A Conquest, A Ruin, A Key – thing that shows their sin in a physical way
Entered the First Prophet’s chambers. She’d been working on an annals during the time the church was schismed – recording that the one god was 3 gods.
Magical robes with the names of the high priest’s inscribed on them.
Found a piece of the scepter in the cylinder with spirits and retrieved it. Ran into our NPC friends, and it turns out that he is an changeling and reports to Zed. He has the final piece of the scepter.
Zed is looking for pieces of the changelings great crystal. He thinks Nelfrain was half changeling. He thinks the Emporer’s people found a shard of their own – the “flame of shadow”.
The scepter is super powerful.
Haunting Dread, The Roving Dead – mural depicts a cleri who worshiped beside Nelfrain. This cleric left the faith of Nelfrain. They went out and encountered the things seen in the mural.
Filter of Nature
Desication Dirt
Potion of Might
I gain the Medium kit.