To Val cry
- Origin Daemon
- Class Mage
- Kit Beastmaster
- Culture
- Faction
- Ethos Arbitrator
Sword & Sorcery
A Quest of Queens
Can you restore balance to the World of Ruin?
The Dune Sea
Defy destiny in this pulp action-adventure.
Great White North
Find your fortune in the outlands of Farlas.
Magic University
Face the fantastic at the Magic University.
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Your life has been shaped by a tragic event that caused you great harm. You seek to avenge yourself on the perpetrators and find peace and reconciliation.
To say you have a big head is an understatement... you hold yourself is such high esteem, you might take flight.
You take an additional +2 damage from magical sources and have disadvantage on any check to resist magic. You have advantage on Mighty. In lieu of moving on your turn, you can glide or leap the same distance with your wings.
You may make a spell check using Smart to dispel the magic of your enemies (per the spell Dispel Magic). Additionally, as a reaction, you may absorb their spell before its targets are affected by the magic as long as your opponent is visible to you (per the spell Counterspell) and you have not already acted in the round. To absorb an opponent’s magic, you must spend MP equal to the MP your opponent spent to cast the spell. As long as you have MP (and at the GM's discretion), you can create minor, illusory cantrips related to your maleficence. Such cantrips are instantaneous and harmless, and cannot duplicate the effects of any other spells.
Your bond with the natural world is supernatural. You have a small animal familiar with whom you can telepathically communicate, and it is proficient in all skills you know. When you close your eyes and concentrate, you can see and hear through your familiar's eyes. The familiar has 1d6 HP, 3 in all attributes, and can either fly, camouflage itself, or breathe underwater. All other forms of low intelligence wildlife are friendly toward you. If your familiar dies, you immediately suffer 1 wound, but may attract and bond with a new one in 1d6 days.
Bare Fists or Feet +2
You have no weapons equipped.
You have no armor equipped.
You have no shield equipped.
Heroic deeds of valor are not your forte.
+6 Smart
Choose a limb with exposed flesh. The victim cannot use that limb without making a contested spell check (victim uses Mighty) for the rest of the encounter, or until it is healed.
You have not learned any spells.
+6 Smart
Choose a limb with exposed flesh. The victim cannot use that limb without making a contested spell check (victim uses Mighty) for the rest of the encounter, or until it is healed.
Focus Slot
You have not learned any stances.
Focus Slot
You have no weapons in your inventory.
You have no armors in your inventory.
You have no shields in your inventory.
This hero has not logged any notes.
Once per session, you may dash in to shield an ally from harm, even if it's not your turn. Add 2 soak to any single source of damage that targets you or an ally within a melee space. Soak conferred this way stacks with yours or your target's soak.
Advanced Old School Revival (OSR+) is rules-light tabletop RPG that combines old school play with modern storygaming, designed for new and veteran players alike.
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