You cannot hide from the truth.
- Origin Nim
- Class Cleric
- Kit Medium
- Culture Syenese
- Faction The Sha'ir
- Ethos Mastermind
Sword & Sorcery
A Quest of Queens
Can you restore balance to the World of Ruin?
The Dune Sea
Defy destiny in this pulp action-adventure.
Great White North
Find your fortune in the outlands of Farlas.
Magic University
Face the fantastic at the Magic University.
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You've made a powerful enemy due to your misdeeds or mistakes. At every turn, their minions seek you out to bring you into their grasp. You must become strong enough to confront them.
Your first impression always leaves a bad taste in people's mouths. You are arrogant, bad-tempered, competitive, boorish, perverted, crass, or foppish.
You gain advantage on any check that involves engineering or crafting. You have advantage on Deft but have disadvantage on Mighty.
You have the power to ward off evils opposed to your faith, be they undead hordes or the powers of other unholy creatures. For each such opponent, you may spend 1 MP to force them to make an opposed spell check using Deft in order to attack or cast spells against you. You cannot cast concentration spells or attack while warding off evil in this way. Moreover, you may make an opposed spell check using Deft to expend MP and dispel the magic of such opponents (per the spell Dispel Magic). To absorb an opponent’s magic, you must spend MP equal to the MP your opponent spent to cast the spell.
You've always been drawn to the secrets of the spirit world. Choose 2 spells from the Divination school: you may cast these spells even if you’re not a spellcaster. You can detect the presence of spirits wherever the dead linger, and commune with them by allowing them to possess your body. A hostile spirit can be controlled with an opposed Smart check. Divination spell checks explode on a 5 or a 6.
Bare Fists or Feet +0
You have no weapons equipped.
You have no armor equipped.
You have no shield equipped.
Heroic deeds of valor are not your forte.
Thaumaturgy +7
The victim is blinded until after their next action.
Animate Dead
Necromancy +10
You animate a number of dead bodies equal to the MP you spend, puppeting them as if they were marionettes. Animated dead do not possess spiritual energy to act on their volition; the spellcaster must issue commands, otherwise they stand numb and mindless. (The spellcaster may command them while acting otherwise.) For the purposes of this spell, corpses use the spellcaster's stats to act, but have 0 Smart, 0 Defense, and 1 HP, then are permanently destroyed. This spell does not affect undead, and you must concentrate on the working of this spell or else your animated dead are permanently destroyed.
Necromancy +10
Your maleficence infects your target with a random disease. Roll a d12 (or 2d6 and split into two lists) to determine the disease: cholera, dysentery, influenza, lesions, malaria, black plague, small pox, spotted fever, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, typhus, or yellow fever. While this spell is in effect, your victim has disadvantage on Mighty and Deft. The symptoms of the disease take effect immediately. The mundane effects of the disease persist as a major peril, even after the spell ends, and can be cured naturally or by magic.
Astral +10
You invite the spiritform of an animal of your choosing into yours or your target's body, which is transformed. Choose an animal. Your appendages transform to match that of the animal chosen, and you gain one of its heightened senses. For example, if you chose a digging insect, your limbs would become claws that can dig through rock and you could choose to be able to sense delicate vibrations at great distances.
Bestow Curse
Enchantment +10
You bestow upon your victim a curse of your choosing: blindness, deafness, or muteness.
Circle of Binding
Abjuration +10
You shape your maleficence into a circle of power, imprisoning all those within its boundaries. Victims within the circle cannot physically leave it, but they may make ranged attacks or cast spells that cross the boundary. You must concentrate on the working of the spell against your opponents for its duration, otherwise your targets may freely exit the circle. A Circle of Binding's area of effect may not exceed a melee space.
Divinely Inspire
Divination +10
You call upon your magic patron to grant a target other than yourself supernatural aid. Make a prayer to your patron. The GM chooses a spell appropriate for your situation, and you bestow this spell upon your target. You must expend 1 MP to cast this spell and 1 MP to bestow the spell upon your target. The target may cast the spell at a later time, whether or not they are a spellcaster, but the magical charge transferred thereby will only last 24 hours.
Ectoplasmic Web
Astral +0
You unleash a web of ectoplasm through your maleficence, coating the area of effect with magic webs. The web is vulnerable to fire and slashing. All those who attempt to move through the webs are stuck in the ectoplasm and must spend their action cutting their way out; they are only entitled to a spell check if the web does not pre-exist and is cast upon them. The web is permanent until destroyed.
Curative +10
You grab hold of a target's silver cord, anchoring their soul to the world of the living (the target must be on death's door). The target is immediately stabilized and heals 1 wound and 1 HP, while regaining consciousness. Any status effects caused by minor perils on the target are cured.
Speak with Dead
Necromancy +10
This spell requires the presence of a corpse. You temporarily return the corpse's spirit to its body, making it possible to communicate with the spirit. While the spirit is compelled to communicate with you, said spirit might not be happy to have been returned to its body, and can divulge only what knowledge it had up until its death.
True Sight
Divination +10
With magical insight, you or your target enhance your vision to see through illusions and other non-magical falsehoods in the spell's area of effect. For 1 MP, that which is hidden is revealed. For 2 MP, you see through disguises. For 3 MP, lies sound false to you and written untruths glow magically.
Thaumaturgy +7
The victim is blinded until after their next action.
Focus Slot
You have not learned any stances.
Focus Slot
This hero has not logged any notes.
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