All life is drawn in the circle of the Goddess.
- Origin High People
- Class Cleric
- Kit White Mage
- Culture Muraian
- Faction Yevna
- Ethos Guardian
Sword & Sorcery
A Quest of Queens
Can you restore balance to the World of Ruin?
The Dune Sea
Defy destiny in this pulp action-adventure.
Great White North
Find your fortune in the outlands of Farlas.
Magic University
Face the fantastic at the Magic University.
Your traveling companion is the most important person in the world to you, and you would sacrifice your life for them. But they are in grave danger, and you must mitigate that threat.
You were born small-boned and physically weak.
You have advantage on Smart, but you have disadvantage on Mighty.
You have the power to ward off evils opposed to your faith, be they undead hordes or the powers of other unholy creatures. For each such opponent, you may spend 1 MP to force them to make an opposed spell check using Deft in order to attack or cast spells against you. You cannot cast concentration spells or attack while warding off evil in this way. Moreover, you may make an opposed spell check using Deft to expend MP and dispel the magic of such opponents (per the spell Dispel Magic). To absorb an opponent’s magic, you must spend MP equal to the MP your opponent spent to cast the spell.
Your loyalty to the faith makes you a resourceful healer. You may use your action to cast Curative spells as a reaction. For 1 MP, you may substitute a spell you know with any Curative spell of your choosing. You must spend a round praying to your divine patron prior to being able to cast it. You may cast the substituted spell until you rest, after which time your old spell replaces it. Curative spell checks explode on a 5 or a 6.
Bare Fists or Feet +0
You have no weapons equipped.
You have no armor equipped.
You have no shield equipped.
Heroic deeds of valor are not your forte.
Thaumaturgy +7
This maleficence does an extra d6 damage to Undead and Astral monsters opposed to your faith. If this maleficence would deal zero damage, the victim is frightened until after its next action.
Circle of Protection
Abjuration +8
You bend your maleficence into a protective circle of magic. All those hostile to you or your target must make an opposed spell check to physically enter the circle; its benefits extend to all who remain within its boundaries. The circle does not protect you from ranged attacks or other magic cast from outside it. You must concentrate on working the circle against your opponents for the spell's duration, or else they may pass inside unhindered. A Circle of Protection's area of effect may not exceed a melee space.
Divinely Inspire
Divination +8
You call upon your magic patron to grant a target other than yourself supernatural aid. Make a prayer to your patron. The GM chooses a spell appropriate for your situation, and you bestow this spell upon your target. You must expend 1 MP to cast this spell and 1 MP to bestow the spell upon your target. The target may cast the spell at a later time, whether or not they are a spellcaster, but the magical charge transferred thereby will only last 24 hours.
Metamagic +8
Choose another spell you know to cast as the ritual spell. You pool your MP together with other spellcasters to cast it at a power beyond your means. You may involve as many spellcasters in the ritual as you expend MP; they need not know this spell, but must be willing. The spell takes 1 round to cast per MP pooled in this way.
Divination +8
You beseech a magical patron who is favorable to you for supernatural aid. For 1 MP, the patron will answer a single question truthfully. For 2 MP, the patron will bestow upon you a vision related to your inquiry, which may require further interpretation on your part to understand. For 3 MP, the patron will provide specific insight in answer to your inquiry, such as the exact location of what you seek or the true name of your enemy.
Thaumaturgy +7
This maleficence does an extra d6 damage to Undead and Astral monsters opposed to your faith. If this maleficence would deal zero damage, the victim is frightened until after its next action.
Focus Slot
You have not learned any stances.
Focus Slot
You have no weapons in your inventory.
You have no armors in your inventory.
You have no shields in your inventory.
This hero has not logged any notes.
Advanced Old School Revival (OSR+) is rules-light tabletop RPG that combines old school play with modern storygaming, designed for new and veteran players alike.
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