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Millner Faolagan

One day I will rule Merovia!

  • Origin Nim
  • Class Mage
  • Kit Necromancer
  • Culture Mordainer
  • Faction Vorrago
  • Ethos Megalomaniac

Mighty +1


Deft +5


Smart +6


Hit Points

0 / 2

Armor Points

0 / 4

Magic Points

0 / 14

Fate Points

0 / 3


Machine Affinity



You gain advantage on any check that involves engineering or crafting. You have advantage on Deft but have disadvantage on Mighty.

Arcane Adept



You may make a spell check using Smart to dispel the magic of your enemies (per the spell Dispel Magic). Additionally, as a reaction, you may absorb their spell before its targets are affected by the magic as long as your opponent is visible to you (per the spell Counterspell) and you have not already acted in the round. To absorb an opponent’s magic, you must spend MP equal to the MP your opponent spent to cast the spell. As long as you have MP (and at the GM's discretion), you can create minor, illusory cantrips related to your maleficence. Such cantrips are instantaneous and harmless, and cannot duplicate the effects of any other spells.




Your study in the dark arts have gifted you with knowledge some would consider to be... unnatural. You may spend MP to cast the spell Animate Dead, even if you are not a spellcaster. If you spend MP to command Undead targets, you may force them to make an opposed spell check using Smart, or else they must obey your every command for a number of rounds per MP spent. Undead subject to your command receive a bonus to their check equal to the difference in level between yours and theirs. You must concentrate on commanding these undead or else they are freed. Necromancy spell checks explode on a 5 or a 6.



Weapon Icon

Bare Fists or Feet +1


You have no weapons equipped.



Reinforced Vestments




You have no shield equipped.

  • Defense +5
  • Initiative +0
  • Soak 0




Heroic deeds of valor are not your forte.





Maleficence Icon


Sorcery +8

Kills plant life and small animals.

Choose a limb with exposed flesh. The victim cannot use that limb without making a contested spell check (victim uses Mighty) for the rest of the encounter, or until it is healed.


  • Spell Icon

    Animate Dead

    Necromancy +5

    You animate a number of dead bodies equal to the MP you spend, puppeting them as if they were marionettes. Animated dead do not possess spiritual energy to act on their volition; the spellcaster must issue commands, otherwise they stand numb and mindless. (The spellcaster may command them while acting otherwise.) For the purposes of this spell, corpses use the spellcaster's stats to act, but have 0 Smart, 0 Defense, and 1 HP, then are permanently destroyed. This spell does not affect undead, and you must concentrate on the working of this spell or else your animated dead are permanently destroyed.

  • Spell Icon


    Necromancy +5

    Your maleficence infects your target with a random disease. Roll a d12 (or 2d6 and split into two lists) to determine the disease: cholera, dysentery, influenza, lesions, malaria, black plague, small pox, spotted fever, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, typhus, or yellow fever. While this spell is in effect, your victim has disadvantage on Mighty and Deft. The symptoms of the disease take effect immediately. The mundane effects of the disease persist as a major peril, even after the spell ends, and can be cured naturally or by magic.

  • Spell Icon


    Necromancy +1

    Your maleficence saps the physical strength from a single target, rendering them weakened, exhausted, and encumbered by any weight they carry. Each round this spell is in effect, your target must make a spell check or become fatigued (their Mighty is reduced to 0 for the duration of the spell), and any action they take that involves physical strength or feats of constitution is performed at disadvantage. You must concentrate on the working of the spell, otherwise your target will regain their strength.

  • Spell Icon

    Magic Lock

    Artifice +8

    You magically lock (or unlock) a door or sealable portal with your maleficence, making it impossible to open without destroying the door. The lock is permanent and the portal that can be locked is equal to the area of effect of the spell. (Your maleficence may be dispelled or counteracted by other magic; in this case, make a spell check to determine the TN to dispel the lock.) While most mundane locks are unlocked by this spell without effort, the GM may call for a spell check against magical locks or locks of ingenious design.

  • Spell Icon


    Enchantment +8

    You physically shapeshift into a form of your choosing, adopting the physical capabilities of that form. For 1 MP, the form may be humanoid and of the same approximate mass and size as your natural form. For every additional 2 MP spent, the form may be other than humanoid (including inanimate objects), and twice as large or as small. You must have prior, firsthand knowledge of the form you attempt to shapeshift into, and you may not replicate any specific person. While shapeshifted, you adopt the physical qualities of the form you've been shapeshifted into. The GM has discretion to alter your freedom of movement or attributes and abilities to suit the fiction.

  • Spell Icon


    Alchemy +8

    You divide yourself into two halves, each simulacrum half as powerful as your original whole in every respect (half HP, half attributes, half MP, rounded down). Your two halves are both you, so each half may take actions and cast spells independently. In the same vein, both halves represent a single body, so if either half is destroyed, so is the whole. A simulacrum cannot act in the first turn it is created.

  • Spell Icon

    Slithering Shadow

    Necromancy +8

    You extend your lifeforce into your shadow, enabling it to grow in length equal to the spell's area of effect. The shadow grows at a walking pace and may slither across any surface in any direction, silently and indetectable to the untrained eye. You may see, hear, and speak through the shadow as if you are standing where it is extended (as well as cast spells), but it is unable to interact with any physical object. If it is attacked (physically or magically), you become the subject of the attack.

  • Spell Icon

    Speak with Dead

    Necromancy +5

    This spell requires the presence of a corpse. You temporarily return the corpse's spirit to its body, making it possible to communicate with the spirit. While the spirit is compelled to communicate with you, said spirit might not be happy to have been returned to its body, and can divulge only what knowledge it had up until its death.

  • Spell Icon

    Word of Reckoning

    Necromancy +5

    You utter a magic word at your targets. If they can hear it, they are wracked with crippling pain for the duration of the spell. Such victims are stunned and their movement rate becomes 0. You must concentrate on working your spell or their pain ends.

  • Spell Icon

    Word of Undoing

    Force +8

    You utter a magic word at your targets, which unleashes a destructive resonance within them. Your targets can be of any size in the area of effect, up to a weight of 100 pounds per MP spent. Brittle and fragile objects immediately explode; rock, metal, and other similarly tough materials may require you to make a spell check vs. a TN of the GM's choosing. This spell does not work against living flesh or magical objects.


Maleficence Icon


Sorcery +8

Kills plant life and small animals.

Choose a limb with exposed flesh. The victim cannot use that limb without making a contested spell check (victim uses Mighty) for the rest of the encounter, or until it is healed.



Focus Slot


You can assign a passive stance as your focus after resting, or spend 1 MP to assign it at the start of the round.

Known Stances

You have not learned any stances.


Focus Slot


You can assign a passive stance as your focus after resting, or spend 1 MP to assign it at the start of the round.

Inventory (0/11)

Item Icon
Reinforced Vestments



You have no weapons in your inventory.


Armor Icon
Reinforced Vestments


You have no shields in your inventory.



Quest Log

This hero has not logged any notes.


None Selected


  • 2
    +1 Skill
  • 3
    +1 Deft
  • 4
    +3 Magic Points
  • 5
  • 6
    +1 Smart
  • 7
    Choose Perk
  • 8
    Choose Perk
  • 9
    Choose Perk
  • 10
    Choose Perk

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