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Core RulesArchetypes

The Monstrous


You blanket the palace of your memory in cerements, hoping your memory will become a grave. But three bells toll faintly in the Abandoned Rectory; and three slaves march barefoot through Marion Ridge; and three eyes open upon a sudden and permanent Night. The Seer says: Behold! For these portents are a sign of things to come. How long has the monster been inside you? How long has it slept there, aggrieved? In your dreams, you yearn to pull off your face, but there is nothing underneath, nothing, nothing, nothing...

Living Effigy

If you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you. Take 1 stress: When you look into a mirror, you may adopt the face and mien of anyone you have personally met. This transformation lasts 1 hour. While stressed, you are immune to any effects, mundane or magical, that would transform your body or change your appearance against your will.

Are you sure?