My New NPC
ChangelingAssassinCleric(Level 1)
- Type NPC
- Morale Mindless
- Culture Altean
- Ethos Arbitrator
Bare Fists or Feet +5
- M/2
Chaos Maleficence
- 1d6 (Chaos)
Attack Pattern
- Whatever
- Initiative +0
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A Custom Perk
At Will
somethign blah
AP Bonus (+10)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sollicitudin quam non erat euismod, quis laoreet erat congue. Morbi vel iaculis tellus, in finibus massa. Phasellus placerat tortor vitae velit ultricies fringilla. Vivamus purus metus, vehicula et tortor vel, porttitor gravida velit. Maecenas suscipit non diam quis efficitur. Maecenas venenatis, lacus pretium aliquam consequat, nibh massa malesuada ligula, et venenatis leo risus ac enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse sit amet bibendum tellus. Duis in ultricies quam. Ut vestibulum tempus facilisis. Etiam mollis, risus sed rhoncus tincidunt, ante nisl finibus nulla, a blandit tortor mi non erat.
Your training in the shadows has made you an efficient killer. You deal +2 damage when making attacks while stealthed. For 2 MP, you may declare a consumable supply and spend the requisite gold (at half the black market value) to create a poison. Victims you poison receive a -2 to their poison check to resist.
You have the power to ward off evils opposed to your faith, be they undead hordes or the powers of other unholy creatures. For each such opponent, you may spend 1 MP to force them to make an opposed spell check using Deft in order to attack or cast spells against you. You cannot cast concentration spells or attack while warding off evil in this way. Moreover, you may make an opposed spell check using Deft to expend MP and dispel the magic of such opponents (per the spell Dispel Magic). To absorb an opponent’s magic, you must spend MP equal to the MP your opponent spent to cast the spell.
You may change your physical appearance and body shape to another humanoid form at will. You can’t mimic the appearance of a specific person. You have disadvantage on Mighty.
You have not learned any spells.
You have not learned any stances.
This hero has not logged any notes.
ChangelingAssassinCleric(Level 1)
Mindless Arbitrator
+5 +5 +0
HP/AP: 6 / 10 DEF: +5 MP: 5 INIT: +0
Attack Pattern: (Whatever)
Languages: Valeborn
Deeds: x1
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