Twell Vingecund
We gotta hit 'em where it counts, b'ys.
- Origin Humans
- Class Ranger
- Kit Dweomerist
- Culture Vanisian
- Faction Mascarion
- Ethos Champion
Mighty +3
Deft +6
Smart +3
Hit Points
Armor Points
Choose a Weapon
Choose an Armor
Choose a Weapon
Choose a limb before making an attack, in lieu of dealing damage. If the attack is successful, your opponent drops any object or weapon carried by the limb you target.
Quest Log
We’re part of the Lonely Bastards, a subset of the Greybreakers. It’s 500 years before The Long Night. Our base is in Tormsdale.
Our first group mission is for a fatty fat fat who wants to kill some slanderers, namely a printer and a writer. We split up to get intel: Vera, Franz, and Charlie go socialize while Vik and I do some recon. The two of us find some documents as well as the original printing of the slander piece.
We get all the moneys. Vera continues to rampage thru town. Viktor goes to the bank. Franz and I have a nice chat with some nobles. We get rid of our handler, because he was a dick. Rented a farm and have to hide out for a week. Vera has a date coming up with the Nim that owns the property. None of us know his name.
Downtime: Vera had her date; got stabbed a bunch with consent. Viktor trained; killed horses. Twell made the house a home; volunteer work no one knows about (i swear). Franz did conspiracy theories. Thieves attempted to break in, didn’t go well. One was sent back inside an effigy made by Vera, kept alive via Unnatural Persistence. We left a “charter” stating the new rules of the town…
We make it back to Tormsdale. Secure our money. Deciding how to get to the next spot. Have Hobart take us over. He happily obliges.
Arrive at Arcanum. Go to meet the reagent Lord, Thumpleroy and his courtesan/wife, Chrystal, who’s a high person. We learn the current state of the world and the aftermath of our actions. Vera finds out where the inventor of commercial airships is and gets some expensive art.
Vanis: THEY’RE ALL ONE PERSON THERE!!!! wtf is that? Starting base pay is 10k g. We’re headed to the castle to meet Duke of Vanis and come across a hivemind. We cause loads of shit on the ship, we lose Charlie. Viktor knows he was taken.
We fuck shit up against the two guards and Detective. I basilisk him, we end the guards, Vera has Ed call his buddies, Viktor smashes guard, Franz modifies the memory of Peter to make him think a 3rd party was responsible for everything
BRACE FOR IMPACT! We’re about to hit water
I am now Benoit “Benny” Brodeur! I’m in import export. Viktor is my cousing, Bioris, warehouse laborer. Bobby Bogart & Susan are Franz & Charlie, Bobby is a tuba repairman and pro eater. Vera is Purl Stockinette, pro knitter.
Vera is head of family Tunaa. Viktor is Une Salade. I am Harry Covert.
Vannis military is trying to stop the spread of the Hive Mind. Franz found a tunnel connecting the two towns. I set up trap. Vik found a rifle and gave it to Vera. Vera is making poison resistant hazmat suits.
Hive mind spreads thru body contact? It’s not airborne. Masks are useless. Duke might have more info.
Safe town: Garonne
Diseased Town: Venerienne
Contact: General Boueux
The Helmsman We Turned to our Side: Andre
We make thru the catacombs, meet a crazy mage (Stinky Marty?), come up thru a secret tunnel with a shitty stealth score (6), VIKTOR checks the trapdoor to make sure we can get back in, Vera marks it with a totem
Ed pulled some major fuckery on us. We learned lots about rats, I did some possibly unethical inverse Alrgeroning on Egg (Eggernon?) We’re deep in the City Hall! I have set a trap in the catacombs of the church. Viktor reinforced the entrance to city hall and I left caltrops behind that.
The mirror is only one conduit for the mind linking. It is also a way to reach Asag (possibly). It’s confirmed that the Colossus is a child of Asag and the cause of the mind shit.
To defeat the Colossus we must extinguish the eyes and then remove its heart.
Twell is getting turnt on martoonis with the guards rn. Franz and Vera join in, Franz starts a high stakes game of Venasian roulette. Surprisingly, everyone lives. Twell asks Vik to debrief the General on the new intel. While the Gen is being occupied, Twell raids his barracks and finds some incriminating evidence (in my inv)