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Chara Farim en Set

So too have the Faunlin lost our home, and we seek to regain it. We are alike in that way... hollow bones.

  • Origin Tarth
  • Class Mage
  • Kit Medium
  • Culture Other
  • Faction Tantavia
  • Ethos Arbitrator

Mighty +3


Deft +4


Smart +7


Hit Points

0 / 4

Armor Points

0 / 8

Magic Points

0 / 12

Fate Points

0 / 3


Berserker Rage



You can enter a berserker rage, which lasts for the duration of an encounter. While enraged, you do not receive penalties to your rolls from accruing wounds and you have disadvantage on defense checks. If damage would place you on death's door, make an escalating Mighty check (TN 9) to remain conscious each round. You will not stop attacking your foes, even if your life is in danger, until the final foe falls. You have disadvantage on Deft.

Arcane Adept



You may make a spell check using Smart to dispel the magic of your enemies (per the spell Dispel Magic). Additionally, as a reaction, you may absorb their spell before its targets are affected by the magic as long as your opponent is visible to you (per the spell Counterspell) and you have not already acted in the round. To absorb an opponent’s magic, you must spend MP equal to the MP your opponent spent to cast the spell. As long as you have MP (and at the GM's discretion), you can create minor, illusory cantrips related to your maleficence. Such cantrips are instantaneous and harmless, and cannot duplicate the effects of any other spells.




You've always been drawn to the secrets of the spirit world. Choose 2 spells from the Divination school: you may cast these spells even if you’re not a spellcaster. You can detect the presence of spirits wherever the dead linger, and commune with them by allowing them to possess your body. A hostile spirit can be controlled with an opposed Smart check. Divination spell checks explode on a 5 or a 6.



Weapon Icon

Longbow +4


Weapon Icon

Bare Fists or Feet +3




Arcane Armor




You have no shield equipped.

  • Defense +6
  • Initiative +2
  • Soak 0




Heroic deeds of valor are not your forte.





Maleficence Icon


Sorcery +9

Generates radiance and dispels negative energy.

This maleficence does an extra d6 damage to Undead and Astral monsters opposed to your faith. If this maleficence would deal zero damage, the victim is frightened until after its next action.


  • Spell Icon

    Chain Maleficence

    Metamagic +9

    This spell may be cast simultaneously with the use of a maleficence. You rally the power of your maleficence into a chain of magical energy that strikes 1 target per MP spent. You may divide the damage your maleficence causes among any of these targets as you wish, and the peril and secondary effect of your maleficence affect all those subject to the spell.

  • Spell Icon

    Charm (Monster)

    Charm +4

    Your enchantment makes a single living monster or non-monstrous creature friendly towards you and assuages their suspicions. When you are casting this spell, it is not apparent to the untrained eye. This spell immediately fails if anyone in the area of effect is engaged in hostile action with the victim or its allies, or if you or your allies take hostile action thereafter. When engaged in social combat with the target, you receive advantage on all rolls. A charmed creature will maintain its disposition toward you after the spell ends, unless it is intelligent and there is reason to question the friendship or the enchantment is revealed.

  • Spell Icon


    Divination +3

    You or your target may visualize a known location anywhere in the material realm. The subject of this spell is able to see all that transpires in this location within a volume equal to the area of effect using their normal visual senses for the duration of the spell. The scrying leaves a psychic imprint on the location that, if detected, will reveal the subject's true location.

  • Spell Icon

    Control (Air)

    Elemental +9

    You can manipulate the flow, direction, and shape of any atmosphere equal to the area effect of the spell. For example, you may disperse noxious clouds, create walls of wind, or unleash hurricane force blasts. If the air is used to cause harm to a target, apply the peril of the corresponding maleficence.

  • Spell Icon

    Control (Earth)

    Elemental +4

    You can manipulate a volume of earth equal to the area of effect, controlling its flow, direction, or shape. For example, you could turn solid ground into quicksand, reshape a stone wall, or create a sandstorm. If the source is used to cause harm to a target, apply the peril of the corresponding maleficence.

  • Spell Icon

    Control (Water)

    Elemental +9

    You can manipulate the flow, direction, and form of any volume of water equal to the area effect of the spell. For example, you may part bodies of water, create walls of water, stir up crashing waves, or direct forceful torrents. If the water is used to cause harm to a target, apply the peril of the corresponding maleficence.

  • Spell Icon

    Control (Weather)

    Elemental +4

    You can manipulate the flow, direction, and intensity of a weather pattern in the area effect of the spell, invoking torrential rain, strikes of lightning, or torrents of wind. If the weather is used to cause harm to a target, apply the peril of a corresponding maleficence.

  • Spell Icon


    Metamagic +9

    You may transplant enchantments from target to target or object to object by touch. This includes magic effects bestowed by spells, but does not affect permanent dweomers, such as those generated by magic items.

  • Spell Icon


    Elemental +4

    You create a minor earthquake in the area of effect that shakes the ground and opens fissures in the earth. All within the area of effect (except you) must make a Deft check vs. your spell check on the first round of the spell's casting, or fall into a fissure. Those who succeed remain standing, but risk having to check again if they move within the area of effect, or take action that compromises their standing; those who fail suffer 1d6 falling damage and must spend a round climbing out. You must concentrate on working the spell for its duration, otherwise the earth seals back up.

  • Spell Icon

    Elemental Resistance

    Elemental +4

    Your magic infuses you or your target with supernatural endurance, allowing you to completely resist harm from natural sources of mundane energy such as cold, fire, sound, etc.

  • Spell Icon

    Enchant Weapon

    Enchantment +9

    You may bestow an enchantment on any number of weapons you touch. Decide how much MP you wish to invest across the weapons you touch. Each weapon gets a +1 to damage and to hit, per MP spent (up to a maximum of +2 per weapon).

  • Spell Icon


    Curative +4

    You heal 1 HP per MP spent, split among as many targets in the area of effect as desired. Any status effects caused by minor perils on the target(s) are cured. This spell does not heal wounds or targets on death's door. (If an Undead creature is affected by this spell, they are entitled to a spell check and receive 1 HP damage per MP spent, bypassing soak.)

  • Spell Icon

    Mystic Strength

    Enchantment +4

    You endow yourself or your targets with supernatural strength for the duration of the spell. All Mighty checks involving physical, non-combat action such as lifting extraordinary weights, vaulting great distances, or running with unfailing endurance for the duration of the spell do not require a check. If the GM requires a Mighty check, you may roll with advantage. (This spell does not empower you to deal additional damage, but your great strength may be used to bend bars or rip doors off their hinges.)

  • Spell Icon

    Phantom Steed

    Illusion +9

    You summon into existence an illusory steed that abides by your command. It is immune to physical damage and needs no rest or sustenance. This spell lasts for 2 hours per MP spent.

  • Spell Icon

    See Spirit Realm

    Divination +4

    This spell affects one encounter space per MP spent. You read the area for spiritual impressions, such as ghostly ectoplasms or the negative energy of undead. Your senses reveal hidden or magically concealed entities of this kind as well as their type, origin, ethos, and general disposition. In surveying the area, you also receive visual and auditory impressions of the circumstances of their demise.


Maleficence Icon


Sorcery +9

Generates radiance and dispels negative energy.

This maleficence does an extra d6 damage to Undead and Astral monsters opposed to your faith. If this maleficence would deal zero damage, the victim is frightened until after its next action.



Focus Icon

Familiar Terrain


You've always been more comfortable in the outlands than polite society. You are immune to the adverse weather conditions of untamed lands, and ignore the deleterious effects of difficult terrain. Even in the worst of circumstances, you can rest comfortably.

Known Stances

  • Stance Icon

    Ambusher Stance


    You're a practiced hunter of the most dangerous game. When you successfully pull off a surprise initiative, everyone in your ambushing party is able to act twice during the surprise round.

  • Stance Icon

    Animal Friendship


    You have always been a friend to the natural world, approaching its denizens with humility and respect. You may create a player advantage in your first interaction with a Wild animal or monster.

  • Stance Icon

    Astral Awareness


    The powers of your lineage awaken within you as you adventure farther into your quest. You have advantage when searching for secret doors or passages.

  • Stance Icon

    Familiar Terrain


    You've always been more comfortable in the outlands than polite society. You are immune to the adverse weather conditions of untamed lands, and ignore the deleterious effects of difficult terrain. Even in the worst of circumstances, you can rest comfortably.

  • Stance Icon

    Fey Resistance


    The powers of your lineage awaken within you as you adventure farther into your quest. When you learn this stance, you are 50% immune to magical or mundane sleep and charm.

  • Stance Icon

    Hide in Shadows


    Years of skulking in darkness have turned you into a master of shadows. When using this stance, you are effectively invisible if you are least three-quarters obscured by darkness. Most checks to detect you automatically fail, unless the observer knows you are hidden and is using a different sense to detect you, per the rules of invisibility. If the GM requires a check to remain hidden, you may re-roll it if you fail. You cannot maintain this stance while engaged in combat.

  • Stance Icon

    Legendary Lore


    Your taste for great stories have transformed you into a gourmand of legends. When you use this stance, you may create a GM advantage concerning one of the following legendary subjects: magic, the dead, history, beastiaries, the astral veil, heroes, or the gods.

  • Stance Icon

    Pass without Trace


    You expertly cover your tracks to disguise your scent, footprints, and signs of your passage though an encounter space. As an action, you may use this stance to create a narrative advantage regarding a misdirection you leave behind.


Focus Icon

Familiar Terrain


You've always been more comfortable in the outlands than polite society. You are immune to the adverse weather conditions of untamed lands, and ignore the deleterious effects of difficult terrain. Even in the worst of circumstances, you can rest comfortably.

Inventory (0/13)

Item Icon
Amulet of Spell-Turning
Item Icon
Arcane Armor
Item Icon
Item Icon
Thorn Vizard





Armor Icon
Arcane Armor


You have no shields in your inventory.



Quest Log

This hero has not logged any notes.


None Selected


  • 2
    +1 Smart
  • 3
    +1 Skill
  • 4
    +1 Deft
  • 5
    +1 Skill
  • 6
    +1 Smart
  • 7
    +1 Skill
  • 8
    +1 Mighty
  • 9
  • 10
    +1 Skill

Are you sure?