Absalah Errendjara
There's so much to change in the world.
- Origin Humans
- Class Bard
- Kit Channeler
- Culture Mordainer
- Faction Mora Seers
- Ethos Radical
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Your art is central to who you are, an expression of your soul and competence. You desire to create that one great work that will be remembered for all time.
Every day you are compelled to observe your ritual. You must complete it at any cost or face dire consequences.
You may distribute 11 points to your attributes upon character creation, but if you do, you start with 1 fewer skill.
Choose an art: singing, dancing, or playing. You may choose to make the duration of any spell you cast indefinite, as long as you are performing your art (the duration of your spell is 0 as opposed to a number of rounds equal to your level plus the MP you spend). You may concentrate on a number of spells in this way equal to your level, but you may not attack while performing your art. Your art must make noise audible to all in the encounter to work. You may use Performance in lieu of any Arcana skill with your maleficence or spell checks.
Your studies in wizarding school have taught you how to use arcane implements to intensify your magic. You cast your spells through a focus object, such as a wand, staff, or crystal ball. Whenever you spend MP to cast a spell, you may add 1 MP to your magic pool to cast the spell as long as you have your focus object in your possession. Artifice spell checks explode on a 5 or a 6.
Obsidian Blade +7
Throwing Dagger +7
Bare Fists or Feet +2
Stealth Jazerant
You have no shield equipped.
Heroic deeds of valor are not your forte.
+3 Smart
The victim is stunned until after their next action.
Animate Object
Artifice +3
Your maleficence becomes an invisible tether, animating a number of mundane, inanimate objects equal to the MP spent. You may move the object as if it were a marionette. Sentient objects, such as golems, may also be commanded, but they are entitled to a spell check to resist each command.
False Sensory Input
Mind +2
You hijack your target's senses so as to supply false sensory input to them. You may switch between the five senses round to round. Each round you may falsify one aspect of the victim's perception at a time: make salt taste like sugar; a thief appear as a priest; a scream sound like a whisper; or a burning sensation feel like cool water (as examples).
Mind +2
You whip and entangle a single target's mind with your maleficence. Roll a d6. For the duration of the spell, your target is afflicted by one of six maladies: 1) uncontrollable laughter (they are confused); 2) dancing (they are slowed); 3) itching (they are entangled); 4) memory loss (they are feebleminded); 5) delusion (they may only take action consistent with a delusion of your choosing); or 6) paranoia (they are frightened). You must concentrate on the working of your spell, otherwise your target will come to their senses.
Mirror Image
Illusion +3
Through the working of this spell, you conjure a number of illusory duplicates of yourself equal to the MP you spend. These insubstantial clones imitate your actions, making it difficult for opponents to determine which among them is the real you. When you are targeted by an attack or spell, there is a 1 in X chance of actually targeting you, where X is the number of duplicates you generate. If a duplicate is touched or otherwise physically or magically interacted with, it blinks out of existence.
+3 Smart
The victim is stunned until after their next action.
Arcane Versatility
You've studied the geometry of your school of magic so closely that you've broken its spells down to their constituent parts. When you learn this stance, choose a school of magic. You may change the related attribute of any spell in this school of magic at the time you cast the spell.
Arcane Versatility
You've studied the geometry of your school of magic so closely that you've broken its spells down to their constituent parts. When you learn this stance, choose a school of magic. You may change the related attribute of any spell in this school of magic at the time you cast the spell.
Arcane Versatility
You've studied the geometry of your school of magic so closely that you've broken its spells down to their constituent parts. When you learn this stance, choose a school of magic. You may change the related attribute of any spell in this school of magic at the time you cast the spell.
You have no shields in your inventory.
A magical cuff that Lady Katreus gave to me unexpectedly, which allows me to communicate with her. I resent the hold it has on me and feel that it's a debt of sorts.
A holy site in the wilderness near Lady Katreus's tower. It's holy to the Mora but I know it's not of Mora origin. I feel deeply uneasy there, as if I'm being watched by something enormously powerful that can see into my soul.
My group was performing a ritual of dance in a forest clearing, but we were interrupted by a group of violent men. Malv overheard the commotion from the road and got rid of the problem, and we brought him on as hired muscle.
My mother fled the Mora, fell in with a Dread Lord, and even had children with him, but had a vision that terrible things would happen to her kin if she stayed. So she returned to the Mora to return her children, then disappeared after a time. I was old enough that I still remember some things from life on the ships: the smell of the sea, the feel of salt wind on my skin.
I never saw eye to eye with my sister, who was a loyal supporter of Lady Katreus. We had similar ranks within the Mora, but she fled to join the Church of Illumn after Katreus gave me the Gift of Thorns.
This hero has not logged any notes.
We carry the truth in our bones, in our blood. Take 1 stress: When you perform a ritual of prophecy, you may ask the elder gods a single yes or no question about a target, and they will answer truthfully. The ritual takes 10 minutes and requires a drop of blood from the target. While stressed, you cannot be scried upon or forced by magic to reveal your innermost secrets.
Advanced Old School Revival (OSR+) is rules-light tabletop RPG that combines old school play with modern storygaming, designed for new and veteran players alike.
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